Kyler's Justice (Assassins of Gravas Book 3) - N.J. Walters Page 0,18

them. They were slippery as Dragarian sloths, dangerous as a Vusarian cave snakes. The only way to track their comings and goings was to have continuous surveillance on the bar. Since he couldn’t do that alone, he had to employ tech. But not Gravasian tech, in case it was discovered.

Almost all the tiny devices were in place. Once they were deployed, he would have eyes and ears in all the public sections. The data would automatically feed back to his ship’s computer, which would sift through all the intel and pluck out any info on the two men and Etta.

It was a slow process to get them positioned without anyone being the wiser. His plan for this evening had been to finish the job, but it had changed as soon as he’d realized she was hiding in the kitchen.

Reaching into his pocket, he stroked the knife he’d taken from her. It wasn’t nearly as good as touching her, but it smoothed out the worst of his anger.

Emotions clouded thinking. This was foreign territory for him, and he was still learning to navigate. It was like being in an asteroid belt without navigation capabilities or shields. Each move a potential disaster.

He really should get back to work. Finding Balthazar and the person who’d drugged the king’s son were his priority.

Etta tossed the used cleaning cloths into a laundry chute and rolled her shoulders.

He was an assassin who used both his intellect and physical skills to complete whatever task was assigned to him. Being uncertain, unsure about how to proceed, was something he hadn’t experienced since childhood.

“What can I do?”

“What?” She blinked, as though she’d forgotten he was here. Should he be insulted or relieved she seemed comfortable with his presence? He opted for the second choice.

“What can I do?” he repeated.

After a brief hesitation, she shook her head. “Nothing you can do.”

She’d be surprised by what he could accomplish when necessary, the power he wielded. He might be a ghost within his own society, but with that position came almost unlimited resources. For the first time, he was tempted to put those to work for his own benefit.

“Have you eaten?” He’d never prepared a meal for a female before, had never had the urge, but her going hungry wasn’t an option.

“What?” She dragged her fingers through her hair, dislodging the tie that had held it back. The silken locks fell around her shoulders. “Sorry, I’m really not good company. You should leave.”

It was such a contrast to the last time he’d visited her here. The kiss they’d shared had rocked the foundation of his world, and he had yet to recover. It wasn’t conceited to say she’d been affected as much as he had. He’d read her vitals, seen the dazed expression on her face.

“Did your brother do this?”

Suspicion clouded her eyes. “What do you know about him?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“People talk.” He probably knew more about Balthazar’s life than she did, but he wasn’t lying to her. People did talk. Sometimes willingly. Sometimes with persuasion.

The tension in her arms eased, but her frown caused furrows in her forehead. “They do, don’t they? Funny that my nighttime intruder asked about my brother and here you are doing the same.”

She was fishing again, but he wasn’t biting. He gave a lazy shrug. “From what I hear, the man makes enemies everywhere he goes.”

Before she could answer, one of the servers came in—a tall, older woman with silver hair and a curvaceous body. “No chance of getting food for a customer, is there?”

Etta shook her head. “Not tonight. There’s nothing prepped, everything is cleaned and put away.”

“Figured I’d ask.” The woman glanced at Kyler. Head and body cloaked, he stood in the corner. “People are talking about you.”

He remained silent and stared. She might not be able to see his eyes, but she’d feel them.

She chewed on her bottom lip and took a step back. “Night, Etta,” she called over her shoulder as she fled back to the raucous bar.

“Goodnight.” She started out of the kitchen without another word to him. He silently stalked behind her as she made her way to a heavily locked door at the end of the corridor. Quietly waited as she undid the locks.

She turned around and made a shooing motion with her hands. “Go away now.”

Did she think that would work? His lips twitched. “We’re not done talking.”

“I have nothing to say.”

“I have plenty.” He pushed forward, using his larger body to maneuver Copyright 2016 - 2024