Kyle (Hope City #4) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,99

John.” Looking toward Kyle, she said, “This is my boss, John Bennett.”

Even as she was offering assurances, Kyle noted her palms, knees, and cheek were scraped and bloody.

“I had no idea! But as we were walking out, Marcus said something about Bob being shot. I knew nobody should know that!”

“I thought the same thing,” John said.

Standing, Kyle helped her to her feet. Turning his attention toward John, he asked “How did you know something happened to Bob?”

Glancing around, John blushed slightly. “Because we’re a couple. He’s at my place to recuperate.”

“Oh, I had no idea,” she said, her heart still pounding.

“We felt it best to keep it quiet. Work romances can be hard under the best of circumstances.”

By now, Alex had handcuffs on Marcus, and he was being loaded into another police cruiser. He glanced down at her knees. “First, let’s get you checked out.”

“It’s just a few scra—”

He hushed her words with a light kiss, mumbling, “Do it for me, babe.”

Grateful she acquiesced, he led her to the ambulance where they cleaned and treated her abrasions while he hovered, not wanting to let her out of his sight. Wrapping her in his arms, he whispered, “Hate like hell to do this, babe, but I need to get to the station, and you’re coming with me.”

Her eyes were warm as they stared at him. “Then let’s go. The sooner we get this behind us, the sooner we can go home.”

Looking toward John, she asked, “Will you stay with Bob?”

“Absolutely. Go do what you need to do, and I’ll tell Bob you’ll talk to him later.”

Tucking her in close to his side, he bent and kissed her lightly. “Can’t wait to get home, babe.”

The station was busy. Thomas and his attorney were squirreled in one of the interview rooms, deciding how best to play the evidence stacked up against them as the FBI grilled him. Porter Miles gave up easily, choosing to admit to his part in the van theft and not minding who he took down with him.

Marcus was the surprise. Under questioning by Carter and Evan, he admitted that he’d been hired—or rather, coerced—by Thomas to keep an eye on Kimberly’s interviews. Considering he was one of the dealers on a nearby campus, Thomas had him under his thumb. When it appeared that she was getting too close, he ordered the hit on her.

Kimberly sat in a hallway on a stiff plastic chair, staring at the comings and goings all around while clutching a cup of horrid coffee in her hands. Heavy footsteps were heard and she looked up just in time to see Chauncey King settle in the chair next to her.

“Kimberly,” he greeted, his deep voice soft. He held her gaze and she was surprised as well as comforted by his presence.

“Mr. King… I mean, Commissioner King—”

“As soon as I heard you were here, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” A deep-chested chuckle erupted as he added, “And Hannah and Sharon would never forgive me if I didn’t get the intel back to them that I checked on you.”

Her smile met his and she patted his arm. His smile dropped as his gaze moved over her abraded cheek, but she rushed to assure, “I’m fine. Really, I am. Just a few scratches.”

He nodded and opened his mouth to say more when his phone vibrated. Pulling it from the clip on his belt, he looked at the caller ID and sighed. Connecting, he said, “I’m here, sitting right beside her. She’s fine. Why don’t you and Sharon fix something simple for dinner and make it portable in case Kyle wants to take her directly home.” He listened and then added, “Because they may not want to come over… Kyle may just want her to himself this evening.”

He hung up after endearments and she was unable to hold in her mirth at the huge police commissioner dealing with his wife and Kyle’s mom. “Thank you for that. I’m not sure I’m up to company tonight, but knowing how much they care… well, it’s nice.”

As Kyle walked around the corner and approached, she and Chauncey stood. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “Remember, we’re all family, Kimberly. See you soon.”

With that, he nodded toward Kyle and walked back toward the elevators. Kyle reached her and pulled her into his arms. “You ready to go home, babe?”

She leaned back and looked into his face, seeing the deep creases emanating from the corners Copyright 2016 - 2024