Kyle (Hope City #4) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,80

his head. “No, I shouldn’t think it’s a problem. Not at all.”

“What was she saying about one of our drivers?” Porter asked.

“She said she was going to interview him.”

“Is she investigating now as well?” Porter continued pressing.

“I’m sure she’s just looking for more employees to write about,” Niles said. “Well, gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work to do.” He turned and headed down the hall.

Porter and Bob walked to the elevator, neither speaking. Stepping out on the first floor, both men caught sight of Kimberly near the back doors, talking to Charlie. The two men looked at each other silently, then parted ways, each heading to their own office.

“I can’t imagine how scary it must’ve been for you,” Kimberly said to Charlie. “You’ve been driving for Kilton for a long time.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Never had anything like that happened before.”

“It’s my understanding that while your job might not seem dangerous there are more and more thefts of pharmaceutical vans. The street value of the drugs that you transport between Kilton and pharmacies has a huge value.”

Shaking his head, Charlie’s brow scrunched. “I wouldn’t know about that, Ma’am. I just know I’ve never been held up before.”

“Do you think they were waiting for you?”

“They seemed to know what they were doing. Had guns and everything.”

“Has it changed how you feel about your job? Do you still want to keep being a driver, or have you thought of something else you’d rather do for the company?”

“I used to work in the warehouse, Ma’am. I didn’t mind that because I like to have a big area to work in… something that’s not too closed in. But I really love being a driver. I don’t mean that it’s some kind of job I can slack off with. No, Ma’am. We have a schedule to stick to, deliveries to make, and we have to be careful with what we're carrying. But I like being outdoors. I never wanted to be a long-haul truck driver, but I surely love being on the roads in Hope City.”

Smiling, she asked if she could take his picture for the Faces of Hope City, snapping it as soon as he agreed. “I don’t know who all I’ll be able to showcase in the material for Kilton, but I’m so glad I had a chance to talk to you today.”

As they started to part, Charlie looked to the side and said, “Here’s somebody you want to talk to. This is Joe, my partner.”

She observed the other man with a small bandage on his forehead, noting his gaze darted between her and Charlie, his expression proclaiming he would rather be anywhere than talking to her. With her bright smile, she walked over. “Joe, how nice to meet you. I hope you’re feeling better.”

“Uh… yeah… yes,” he muttered.

“I was just talking to Charlie about the holdup. That must’ve been terrifying for you. Were you able to help the police in identifying the thieves?”

His eyes widened as he jerked his head back and forth. “No! They had masks.”

“Oh, that’s right. But they separated the two of you, didn’t they? Charlie on one side of the van and you on the other. I wonder why they did that?”

“Couldn’t say.”

Charlie, still standing nearby, piped up, “You must’ve been brave, I’ll give you that. I could hear y’all talking on the other side.”

“Oh, really?” Turning her attention back to Joe, she cocked her head to the side and adopted a wide-eyed expression that she hoped looked more like awe than interest. “What were you talking about? Were you threatening them or telling them to leave you alone?” Giving her head a little shake, she added, “I can’t imagine what I’d say to someone holding a gun on me!”

“I don’t remember much,” Joe mumbled.

“Well, I was just telling Charlie that I know how much street value those drugs were worth, and whoever robbed you must’ve known what they were doing and had a plan.” Joe’s gaze jumped to hers, his eyes widening ever so slightly. “I’m just so glad you weren’t hurt more seriously.”

Saying goodbye, she walked back through the warehouse, her insides quaking as she once again waved toward a few of the workers that she had met. I would just bet Joe knows something. Walking along the sidewalk between the buildings as she headed back to her office, she held her phone and dictated some of her impressions, never realizing how many eyes could be on her from the windows of the various buildings.

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