Kyle (Hope City #4) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,2

face walking their way. Not surprised that the residents scattered like roaches when a light went on, he lifted his chin as Detective Brody King stepped closer.

He and Brody had been best friends since birth and the King family were the neighbors he was thinking of earlier when remembering his childhood home. The three men fell into step as they walked toward the fresher air and daylight now flooding the outskirts of Cardboard Cottages.

“Amazing how three people end up dead by this burn barrel, in front of all these people, and no one saw a thing.”

“Safer for them not to get involved,” Brody said, glancing around. “Who has the death scene?”

“Homicide detectives were here and did the initial canvas. Crime scene techs got what evidence they could, but the bodies had been rolled. No shoes, clothes, nothing of value left on them. It sucks. So many people, so little resources to help.”

“Hey, people like Tara and Brianne are doing everything they can.”

Kyle nodded, acknowledging their sisters’ work with the homeless. Snapping off his latex gloves, he dropped them into the burn barrel as they passed by. “True, but what brought you here?”

“We’ve got good intel that Peña’s cartel is bringing in Gray Death. Two OD’s are suspected already. Was there any indication that these three were using GD?”

Kyle shook his head. “One died with a dirty needle in his arm. H is my guess. The other two men were meth heads. If they had the money, they’d buy more crank.”

“One of GD’s primary components is heroin, but they cut it with elephant tranqs.”

“Are you serious?” Kyle blinked up at him. “I’ve heard about GD, but I haven’t seen it on the streets. Not here at least, thank God.”

Brody nodded. “Do me a favor and keep your eyes open. When the tox comes back on that H user let me know what it says?”

“Yeah. I got a good working relationship with Miller and Tripp. I’ll give them a call and give them a heads up.”

“Thanks, but keep it quiet for now. We don’t need anyone talking. If Peña gets wind of us working to close down his suspected pipeline, we’re screwed.”

“Gotcha. I’ll call and make an inquiry then. Casual.”

“Perfect. You have much business in the Cottages?”

Kyle noticed Brody shoving his hands into his jean pockets and didn’t blame him. The stench alone would make him crave a shower, but that only made him feel sorrier for the residents. “Always. Cheap drugs cut with everything from baby powder to drain cleaner tend to eliminate the poor suckers that are hooked on the shit, but I’m tracking an anomaly out here. Prescription drugs.”

Brody’s brows raised to his hairline. “No kidding?” His gaze jumped between Kyle and Alex.


Brody nodded slowly and Kyle knew his friend understood. Kyle’s sister, Tara, had unwittingly become entangled in prescription fraud and illegal distribution in the homeless shelter where she worked. Several months ago, she’d nearly lost her life when trying to ferret out the information. Kyle had watched as someone held a gun to Tara’s head before her now-husband, Carter, saved her. Carter was also a detective, and Kyle wondered how he slept at night having witnessed that scene. I sure as fuck can’t get it out of my mind.

Brody clapped him on the shoulder. “Let me know if I can help. We can put out feelers if you have anything to go on.” He started to walk away, then stopped. “Oh, and thanks for coming to the ‘rents’.”

“I’ll take you up on that offer and, dude, mini-you is a great kid. Sorry I couldn’t stay longer.” He jerked his head to the side toward Alex and added, “We had a call out.”

“No worries. I’m glad you made it over.”

“Hell, I wouldn’t have missed it. You were getting pretty close to Amber. That on again?” Brody had reconnected with a girl from his past and they were all shocked to find out that he had a son.

“It is.”

Brody’s words held a hint of regret, and he met his friend’s intense gaze. “Be careful.”

“Man, not you, too,” Brody huffed.

Shaking his head, Kyle chuckled. “You’re my best friend. Yeah, I’m going to tell you to be careful, but I’m also going to tell you to go for it because that woman and that kid are worth the effort. I tried to kick your ass into going to see her after the accident.”

“Yeah, I remember. Wish like hell I’d taken your advice then.”

Brows raised, Kyle shot a glance over to Alex Copyright 2016 - 2024