With Everything I Am(99)

Gregor took a step back, glanced over his shoulder at his son then back to Callum and invited, “Let’s walk.”

Callum’s eyes also went to Yuri, who was standing with arms crossed on his chest but his face was carefully blank.

Gregor had something he wanted to share privately, not for Sonia to hear.

He looked back to Gregor. “I’ll not leave Sonia. It’s unsafe.”

“Yuri will stay with her,” Gregor replied immediately.

Callum looked at Yuri to see he was now smiling.

“I don’t think so,” he told Gregor. “We’ll go into the kitchen.”

“We’ll walk,” Gregor replied firmly.

“We won’t,” Callum returned even more firmly.

“Worried?” Yuri taunted and Callum tensed.

“Why can’t you just talk here?” Sonia cut in.

“I need to have a private word with your mate,” Gregor answered and it was Sonia’s turn to go tense.

“More secrets?” she queried irately.

“Business, Sonia,” Gregor retorted, his tone surprising Callum by turning positively fatherly and surprising Callum further when Sonia’s expression turned visibly daughterly. Gregor continued, “Between his family and mine. It’s late, I’m tired, I want to get this done and it won’t take long,” he turned to Callum. “Let’s walk.”

Callum didn’t move a muscle.

“Callum,” Gregor said on a weary sigh. “No matter Yuri’s behavior tonight, Sonia’s safe with him. He’d never do anything to cause a rift between our families.”

“That’s surprising, considering some of the things that have come out of his mouth tonight,” Callum replied.

“Take a moment and stand in his shoes,” Gregor retorted sharply, uncharacteristically losing patience.

Callum didn’t want to do as Gregor suggested but he couldn’t stop the visions from invading. The very thought of wanting Sonia and walking in on her na**d and connected to a vampire made his blood start to heat.

“We’ll walk,” he muttered but his eyes went to Yuri. “Sonia’s going directly to bed.”

“I thought she and I could share a nightcap,” Yuri returned acidly.

“She’s going to bed,” Callum repeated and, not waiting for further response, he turned and guided her up the stairs.

She was unresisting and she was silent.

Until they hit the room.

“Callum –”

“Get in bed, honey, I’ll be back before you know it.”

She stood by the bed and crossed her arms on her chest, declaring, “I don’t like this.”

Callum didn’t either but he clearly had no choice.

There was something pressing on Gregor’s mind and Callum’s instinct was to find out what it was so he could deal with it, as well as everything else, and move on.

He buttoned the buttons on his shirt saying, “The longer we discuss this, the longer it will take for me to get this done.”