With Everything I Am(85)

He had no idea because Mona didn’t.

However, it had been Saint who’d cottoned on something was happening. He’d uncovered the plot against Sonia and revealed it to Callum.

Over the years, Saint had been reporting with growing frequency that working with Mona was becoming more and more of a chore.

Callum, unfortunately, knew everything about Mona was a chore and hadn’t thought much of it.

This was his mistake.

He was about to rectify it.

When Saint stopped at the foot of the dais, Callum spoke. “By the end of the day, I’ll want a shortlist of names of those you feel would best replace Desdemona as Governor of this Territory.” Callum heard Mona’s angry gasp and felt Sonia go still in his arms but he continued, “If you’re interested, put your name at the top of that list.”

“Yes, your grace,” Saint replied, relief in his eyes and a small smile tugging at his lips.

Callum’s gaze went to Mona. “Desdemona, I’m removing you as Governor, effective immediately.”

She leaned forward and started, “But, your grace –”

“Under your nose, a rebellion amassed in your Territory,” he announced, cutting her off. “You’re well aware that one of the most important parts of your duty is to be my eyes and ears in this region and to inform me if there’s news of an insurrection. Nevertheless, you’ve flagrantly ignored missives from Scotland as to how to oversee your people to make certain that didn’t happen. This meant they knew your region was weak and targeted it. There were even two amongst your personal guard who were involved. Further, because of your personal failings, for thirty-one years you put my father and me in a disadvantageous position because we couldn’t trust you and your guard to protect my queen. Now we have a situation where, if you were doing your job, you would have sorted it and it would not have required my attention or I would have been aware of it long before now. But it’s far worse. It’s a situation where known rebels have accumulated in your region, they’ve conspired to break the treaty and all of this has placed my queen at risk.”

“King Callum –” Mona began.

Callum interrupted her tersely, “Mona, you best not speak. We both know your rule of this province has been a joke since it started.”

Her beautiful face twisted and, unwisely, she ignored his command and stated, “Your father never complained.”

“That wasn’t my father’s way,” Callum returned.

“My father –” she began, her tone turning threatening.

“Your father has no choice but to accept this decision,” Callum retorted. “You’re released,” he declared with finality. He watched her body jolt and her temper flair but continued, “For placing my queen in jeopardy, you should be punished. But with respect to your father, instead, I’m giving you a year to find your mate and settle. After that year, if you don’t, you’ll be sequestered.”

Her face paled before it flushed and she breathed, “Sequestered?”

“Is that not what we do when one of our females refuses to seek her mate?” Callum enquired.

“But that’s for… it’s for…” she paused and snapped, “for females who are mad!”

“Prove your sanity,” Callum invited and he saw her face change in a way he, in his impatience and anger with her, and his father in his kindness and diplomacy, had heretofore missed.

Desdemona, daughter of Titium, wasn’t stupid, spoiled and ambitious.

She wasn’t nuts.

She was f**king crazy.

“I’ve no need to find my mate –” she started to declare.

“Desdemona –” Callum tried to break in.

She continued mutinously, “Because he’s sitting right in front of me!”

The air grew dense with shock and the sounds of shuffling feet. Sonia’s already tight body turned to marble against his frame and he heard her soft intake of breath.

Ryon approached to put an end to Mona’s insolence but Callum lifted a hand to stop him.

The deeper she dug her grave, the deeper Callum could bury her in it and he wanted her buried so deep he never had to see her face again.