With Everything I Am(82)

Callum’s hand tightened in hers.

Yes, Callum thought, his people were going to love her.

They entered the large entryway that led to a long, wide hall.

Ryon and Caleb were walking toward them. Caleb was carrying a thin, manila folder.

“All’s ready,” Caleb called.

“I’ll want to read the briefing report before I go in,” Callum replied.

Caleb nodded and he and Ryon turned and walked back a short distance toward a closed door. They opened it, stepped through and Callum and Sonia followed.

It was Mona’s office, complete with baronial desk, gleaming wood floors on which large, thick, expensive Persian rugs lay, priceless antique furniture and heavy, ornate curtains at the tall, wide windows.

He saw Sonia looking around, her eyes wide taking in the opulence. Seeing what his mate saw, Callum distractedly noted with some scorn that Mona’s penchant toward lavishness was evident in the government building she’d overseen creating. These were not the usual surroundings of a wolf, nothing like it.

He stopped them close to Mona’s desk, leaned a hip against it, brought Sonia in close, dropped her hand and held his own out for the file which Caleb gave him.

His mother had stood by his father’s side in everything. This was the queen’s purpose, a physical show of support to the king as well as the demonstration of the solidarity of all wolves.

Regan had been with Mac during strategy sessions and on campaigns. Though she didn’t fight, she also didn’t complain when her accommodation was just a tent or two beds pushed together in a barrack with blankets strung around them for privacy. Also she had been at his side during summits, diplomatic assemblies and war tribunals.

As queen, Regan performed her duties silently. Her presence was all that was required. Her understanding of events would be important during the private times she shared with Mac. She could hardly offer him what he needed if she didn’t know what was happening.

There were times of separation but they were brief and they were rare.

Sonia, Callum had decided, would do the same.

Without a word, he opened the file and began reading the report.

Then he felt Sonia move away and heard her say softly, “Hi Ryon.”

He glanced up and saw Sonia lift up on her toes and press her cheek to Ryon’s then she leaned back and tipped her head to smile up at him.

“Hey there, Sonia,” Ryon smiled down at her in turn. “How are you handling this? It’s all a bit weird, isn’t it?”

“Um…” she mumbled, the smile never leaving her face and the way she said her next words pointedly reflected they were an understatement, “A bit.”

Ryon chuckled.

Sonia’s smile brightened.

Callum’s jaw tightened.

Ryon had a way with female humans, Callum knew that.

He just didn’t appreciate, at all, Ryon using it with Callum’s very recently, and definitely spectacularly claimed bride.

But it was something his cousin didn’t hesitate doing, either yesterday or now. It was also something Sonia responded to and further, it was something Callum didn’t f**king like.

Before he could say anything, Sonia turned to Caleb and said, “Hi Caleb.”

She leaned into Callum’s brother and gave him a cheek touch and a smile as well but it was nowhere near as fond as the one she gave Ryon.

Still, Callum noted that even Caleb was grinning down at her with a rapt expression on his face, as if bewitched.

“Hey there, sis.” Caleb made a reply that caused Sonia’s body to twitch.