With Everything I Am(68)

His hand sifted into her hair and twisted, using it to pull her head back gently and his blue eyes scanned her face.

Then he said something in a quiet but firm voice that made her world tilt crazily.

“You’ve got a lot to get used to, baby doll, but I asked my family to come up here to show you that you’ve got family now to help you get used to it. The people in this cabin will fight and die for you. And they would never want to see you struggle, no matter what you’re struggling with. Know that in our soul and never forget it.”

She blinked at him (what else could she do!) and blurted, “I think your culture is very intense.”

His lips tipped up in a grin and he replied in a now teasing tone, “You’re learning.”

It was time to move on and away from Callum who, when he was sweet (and intense and teasing) she could forget he was with her out of kingly duty.

“I want a gingerbread man cookie,” she announced.

His grin turned into a smile, she hated it that she loved his smile and while she was thinking that, he replied, “Me too.”

* * * * *

Sonia wandered the room in her sexy, lacy, satiny nightgown, quickly turning off lamps and blowing out the fragrant candles.

Callum was in the bathroom changing for bed. His family had left just a little while ago.

Or, she should say, he kicked his family out just a little while ago.

While she was hugging Regan good-bye, she heard Callum, who had walked with the men down the path to the SUV, speaking to his cousin.

“I see you do that again, Ry, it won’t make me happy.”

Ryon’s voice was good-humored when he replied, “Relax, Cal.”

“I’ll relax knowing I’m never again going to stand in my kitchen watching my cousin mark my mate,” Callum returned.

The good humor left his tone when Ryon retorted, “I said relax.”

“She’s your queen,” Callum clipped.

“She’s also Sonia,” Ryon bit back. “Don’t f**king forget that, brother.”

Callum had no retort then again, she was just his queen to him.

Sonia didn’t let on she was hearing anything and anyway, she didn’t know what marking meant. She reckoned it was the temple thing but she could swear Regan heard them too. Though she couldn’t, the men were muttering under their breath and definitely not close. She could swear this because Regan’s mouth got a motherly tightness which she tried to hide when she smiled her final good-bye.

Callum and Sonia barely got back through the front door before he dragged her to the bathroom to give her the injection.

So that was why he threw his family out. Not because he was desperate to be alone with his mate after she’d accepted him.

Well, she figured he wouldn’t want his destined by the oracles queen dying of a rare blood disorder. What would his people think?

She got under the covers and told herself she didn’t feel delicious anticipation that Callum was soon to be coming out bare-chested (when she did feel it).

He came into the room moments later and she watched in what she told herself wasn’t avid fascination (when it was) as he went directly to the mantel to unplug the Christmas lights.

“Don’t!” she blurted and he turned to her in question. “I like to sleep with them on. Can you sleep with them on?” she finished.

“I’ve slept in rain and snow and mud,” he told her. “I can sleep with Christmas lights on.”

Why on earth was he sleeping in rain and snow and mud?

She wanted to know but she didn’t ask.