With Everything I Am(232)

For another while.

Now he was mad.

And she didn’t care (or, that’s what she told herself).

It had been three weeks since the incident where she’d learned his true nature (all of it) and those three weeks were the longest of her life.

* * * * *

Sonia had forgiven Regan, Ryon and Caleb for their duplicity the very next day.

She’d done this because she knew they’d lied to her because King Callum ordered it, or, if she was being fair, just kept things from her. Things that would seriously freak her out but that was almost like lying even if those things were things that would seriously freak her out.

But she’d also done it because she cared about them.

* * * * *

Regan had come up with a late breakfast tray and the moment she looked at Sonia, Regan’s obvious hesitancy instantly tore at Sonia’s heart.

Sonia, who’d been awake for a while and had been lying in bed, feeling sorry for herself and lamenting her fate at the same time contradictorily feeling both honored by the remarkable and touching display the wolves made for her that morning, sat up carefully when she saw Regan’s shaky smile.

Then she reached her hand out to her mother-in-law.

Regan all but dropped the tray on the nightstand, sat on the bed and, taking care with Sonia’s wounds, gave her a gentle hug.

“It was a shock but I still was awful,” Sonia whispered in her ear, able to hug Regan back far more tightly.

“We shouldn’t have waited. Callum wanted –” Regan started but Sonia gave her a squeeze.

She didn’t want to hear about anything that Callum wanted.

“It doesn’t matter now,” she assured Regan.

Regan pulled back and framed Sonia’s face in her hands. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry about all of this.”

“That’s the last time you apologize for being who you are,” Sonia said firmly curling her fingers around Regan’s, pulling them down and holding their hands between them. “It was a shock. It’s over. It’s all good now,” she finished on a lie and her own shaky smile.

Regan’s eyes searched Sonia’s and hers remained troubled. “So, you’re not angry with Callum?”

No, she wasn’t angry with him.

Not anymore.

She’d never be anything with him anymore.

Not because he was a gosh darn werewolf and didn’t tell her (or not only because of that).

Not because all of his people were werewolves and he didn’t tell her (or, also, not only because of that).

Not to mention the existence of vampires which, she realized, feeling immensely stupid (and she blamed Callum for that too), Gregor and Yuri were too by their smell which was like Lucien’s which, like wolves, wasn’t like humans (but, in her defense, how could Sonia know werewolves and vampires existed!).

And not because he was not only her handsome wolf but also her beloved puppy and he’d torn both of them away from her (or, again, not only because of those).

But because he’d disappeared for a day and most of a night, doing God knew what with God knew who and then returned to their bed, proving her fevered suspicions true by smelling how he smelled after they had sex and pretended to be caring and kind and thoughtful but doing it an arrogant bastard type of way.

Naturally, she knew he’d find someone else eventually.

She just didn’t know how much it’d hurt and when she’d thoroughly processed it, lying and crying in their bed, how dead she felt and how surprised she was that feeling dead hurt worse.