With Everything I Am(224)

“Sonny, sweetie, I’m just downstairs if you need anything,” his mother told his mate.

Sonia didn’t reply.

Regan made a sound that was half whimper, half sob. Her wet eyes moved to Callum and then she left.

Callum’s glance sliced to his brethren, his order nonverbal but understood all the same.

Caleb approached the bed next only for Sonia to have the exact same reaction so he stopped.

“Hey sis,” he called in a tender tone and Callum was surprised for he had no idea Caleb even had a tender tone.

However, his words and tone had opposite to the desired effect on Sonia as her expression filled with a different kind of pain and she shut her eyes.

Not deterred, Caleb went on, “It’s doesn’t look bad, darlin’, probably feels it though. You’ll be sparring with Callum again in no time.”

Sonia made no response and kept her eyes closed.

Caleb, too, looked at Callum, jaw clenched and exited the room.

Ryon didn’t approach as Sonia kept her eyes closed.

But he spoke to Callum, “I couldn’t have had any idea she’d learn like that.”

Callum turned cool eyes to his cousin. “Shit always happens, Ryon.” When Ryon’s face grew hard, Callum went on, “But it wasn’t you who didn’t tell her. It was me. You bear no responsibility and you know I’ll sort it. You go down and see how Magnum is handling Titium and his wolves.”

Ryon nodded and with one last glance at Sonia he too left.

When Callum looked back at her, Sonia’s eyes were open and her expression clearly stated she’d heard him and it was doubtful his job of sorting his mistake would be quick and easy.

Callum sighed.

Lucien moved to leave, Orphenon’s head came up and his mouth opened to speak.

Lucien got there before him. “She’s frightened. I’m doing more harm than good being here.”

Orphenon nodded and went back to work. Lucien cut a reassuring look to Callum then a gentle one to his bride then he left as well.

Callum stood at the side of the bed, arms crossed, legs planted wide and watched, impatient as Sonia’s wounds were closed.

Finally, Orphenon clipped the last thread, smoothed some medicine on the wounds and bandaged her back loosely. Throughout this, he spoke in low, comforting doctor’s tones to Sonia even as he cleaned his mess and packed his bag.

The whole time Sonia stared blankly at the pillow or her eyes sought Leah’s for support.

Packed up and ready to go, Orphenon got close to Callum.

“The wounds on her back are deep but still superficial. As you can see, he didn’t even score her with his fourth claw which means the swipe was light.” Callum, who listened to this without looking from Sonia, nodded once. “I’m more concerned about that bump she had to her noggin,” Orphenon announced, clearly a different kind of doctor than Sonia’s specialist for his wording was meant to be humorous and reassuring. “She was out for a while. You’ll need to wake her frequently in the night. She’ll have a headache which is expected. The pain shouldn’t be extreme and if she experiences dizziness, lethargy, double-vision, I’ll want to know immediately. Yes?”

Sonia watched the doctor the entire time he spoke, her face registering nothing.

“Yes,” Callum agreed tersely.

The doctor went on, “I’ll leave some pain pills with Regan. Once the anesthetic wears off, she’ll experience some discomfort.” Callum felt a muscle jerk in his jaw before Orphenon finished encouragingly, “In a few weeks she’ll be good as new and your queen will dance at your Mating.”

Sonia’s eyes closed again, this time tightly.

“Thank you,” Callum bit out but the words were unintentionally ungracious.

“My pleasure to be of service to my king and my queen,” Orphenon mumbled, took one last look at Sonia and exited the room.