With Everything I Am(204)

Werewolves, unlike most of the other immortals, shared their secrets with humans. However only with those they trusted implicitly, for instance, if their mate was human or they’d formed a friendship bond with someone they could trust. They were far more careful of sharing about other immortal cultures. In fact it was rare if they did because all of them guarded their own secrets, as well as the knowledge of other immortal beings, obsessively.

Vampires also interacted with humans, for obvious reasons, but did so under tight strictures until recently. As with other immortals, however, if a vampire shared the knowledge of other immortal races, the vampire and the human would be hunted and put to death.

Simple as that.


And, to Callum’s thinking, totally f**king insane.

Callum jerked his chin at Leah before he continued, “Sonia met me as wolf when she was a child. She dreams of me as wolf too.”

“Has she dreamed of danger?” Leah asked softly and Callum could thankfully shake his head.

“No,” he replied.

Leah leaned slightly toward him. “I think, and Lucien agrees, as he mentioned before that these dreams tell the future. They don’t tell what it is. They tell what it could be. For me, it was a warning which thankfully we were able to avoid. Now,” her smile grew partly fond but mostly intimate, “I dream of something else. For Sonia,” her smile changed, the intimacy left it and it became friendly, “well, obviously, she was dreaming of her future but,” Leah’s smile faded, “now that has occurred, they might become something else.”

Callum’s teeth clenched as Lucien took up the conversation. “You should know, shortly after Leah and I connected, I started to have her dreams.”

“Fucking hell,” Callum muttered but it wasn’t with displeasure.

He’d f**king love to know what Sonia was dreaming when she dreamed of him.

Lucien carried on, “It was vivid. It told a version of the future but it wasn’t connected to me in a physical way where it could harm me like Leah. It was just a further warning.”

“This is good,” Callum declared.

“It is,” Lucien concurred on a small smile. “But, we’ll need to monitor and share these dreams, obviously.”

“Obviously,” Callum agreed.

Leah turned to look at her mate and observed, “Sonia seems pretty settled here and it’s safe for her. Perhaps she’s had no need to exhibit abilities to sense danger.”

“She has abilities,” Callum announced and both Leah and Lucien turned to him. “Not like yours,” he told Leah but carried on, “she has the sensory capabilities of wolf as human.”

Callum heard Lucien pull in a breath.

Leah just stared at him blankly so Callum explained, “Heightened hearing, sight and smell. She can also sense danger and, unfortunately, has had the opportunity to do so. But for Sonia, it’s more. As it’s nearly wolf, she has instincts. She can sense menace but she can also sense anything even if a presence is close but not a threat.”

“Fucking excellent,” Lucien murmured for tactically it would be should The Prophesies unfold.

“I’m not done.” The thread of pride veined his voice when Callum continued by telling them what he’d learned on the several hikes he’d taken with his queen. “Sonia has an affinity with wildlife. She thinks it’s just animals but its more. She’s at her most comfortable in natural surroundings. The animals sense her but find her no threat. Some even move to get closer to her. I reckon, if she developed this, she could call them to her, maybe even communicate with them.”

“How cool,” Leah breathed.

“Again, lupine,” Lucien remarked thoughtfully.

“Not exactly,” Callum replied. “We call to canis, wolves, jackals, dogs. Any other creature would sense us as predator. Sonia is not sensed as predator. She’s sensed as one with any species be they wolf or bird or bear.”

“How cool!” Leah exclaimed and Lucien smiled, likely to Leah’s exuberance but also to this fortunate news. Leah turned to her mate and said excitedly, “I hope I get something like that.”

“You have it, sweetheart,” Lucien replied and in doing so, revealed.

“That would be?” Callum cut into their short conversation and Lucien’s eyes came to him.

Forthright, he informed Callum, “She can mark me, communicate with me nonverbally and fight mesmerization for brief periods of time.”

Callum didn’t bother to hide his surprise. He whistled low.