With Everything I Am(179)

“You can hear the front door open from all the way up here?” she asked immediately, shocked and extremely interested in this news at the same time still hiding her secret.

“I can,” he replied tersely, stepping closer, making her tilt her head back to look at him and feeling the heat from his body then he finished with, “And so can you.”

Her eyes flew wide, her mouth opened to deny it and Regan came through the door.

“Cal! Sonny! It’s so good to be home!” she cried, rushing in, her face wreathed with smiles.

Ryon was following her, his eyes were on both Sonia and Callum and they were wary like he felt the tense air.

Callum turned to face his mother.

“I hate that plane ride. It’s so long and you’re so pent up. There’s nowhere to roam,” Regan declared while placing her hand on Callum’s bicep, giving his cheek a kiss and then giving Sonia a hug.

After Regan moved away, Sonia tried to step away from her mate.

His arm slid around her shoulders.

Sonia stopped moving.

Callum tucked her into his side.

“But I’m home now!” Regan announced gleefully before turning to Sonia. “And I want to know how you’re getting on, Sonny, but the very first thing I’m going to do is change my clothes and take a walk. Then I’m going to ask Drogan to light a fire in the knitting room and you’re going to tell me everything. Oh, I do hope Callum took you to the village. They have the best bakery in the world and I’m French so that’s saying something!” She grinned, looked between them and teased, “Then, I suppose, I’ll let Cal have you back for dinner.”

“I’m glad you’re home, Regan,” Sonia smiled at her mother-in-law then turned her smile to Ryon. “And you too Ryon. Glad to see you safe.”

“It’s good to be safe, Sonny,” Ryon smiled back.

“Oh!” Regan cried suddenly. Sonia jumped and looked to see her mother-in-law was digging in her purse. “Things were… well, we didn’t get much time and I was just so happy everyone was okay and then I was worried about getting Sonny ready.” She pulled her wallet out of her purse and zipped it open. “So, I forgot, but…” Her arm extended toward Callum and she announced, “Here!”

The wedding band Sonia gave to Callum was gleaming between her thumb and forefinger.

Sonia stared at it and felt every muscle in her body grow so rigid, she feared if she moved she’d break into a million pieces.

She watched as, casually, Callum reached out and took the band from his mother, murmuring his thanks. And, just as casually, he reached across Sonia’s rigid body and slid it on the finger that was curled around her shoulder.

They said that people had their limits, their breaking points.

That was Sonia’s.

Something came over her. Something she’d never felt in her life. Something she didn’t understand, for a moment.

Then she realized it was fury. It was a fury so mammoth, she could think of nothing else but it.

She looked up at Callum not noticing the air in the room had gone dense as all of its inhabitants sensed her rage.

“I need a word,” she declared before yanking out of his arm and practically running to their bedroom.

In the seconds before Callum followed her in and shut the door, Sonia realized that the time had come.

She was going to do this.


She lifted her hand out, palm up and demanded, “Give me my ring.”

Callum was watching her carefully, arms crossed on his chest as he asked, “Sorry?”

She wriggled her fingers. “My ring. Give it to me.”