With Everything I Am(173)

“To town,” he answered. “Then we’re going to come home and you’re going to take it easy the rest of the day,” he finished. “Agreed?”

He took a sip of his coffee which would have given her time to agree or, say, perchance, disagree. But before she could speak, he slid her carefully off his lap, grabbed her hand and led her out of the room and up the winding staircase.

As he did, he spoke. “I talked with Dr. Mortenson while you were napping yesterday and he said your blood tests all came back normal. He’s still concerned. He says there’s a specialist consultant in Aberdeen he wants you to see. I made an appointment this morning for Friday.”

Sonia’s mind cleared at this astonishing news and she asked, “There’s a specialist in Scotland?”

“According to Dr. Mortenson there is.”

“I didn’t know there was such a thing,” she told him.

“Well there is, baby doll. And you’re lucky he’s a short flight away,” Callum replied, led her into the bathroom, gave her the injection, held her until the burning fire died away and held her long after.

“Callum,” she whispered when he didn’t seem to want to let her go, her hands gliding along his forearms which were crossed at her belly.

In these moments, now twice a day, she could believe in him, really believe.

His head came up and his now tawny eyes caught hers in the mirror.

“I hope to f**k this new doctor knows another way.”

His voice was rough with frustration and she could almost believe that too.

Lost in the moment, she promised, “You’ll get used to it.”

His laugh was as harsh as his voice before he said, “I don’t think that’s going to happen, baby doll.”

Then he zipped her pants, buckled her belt and took her to town.

* * * * *

“Town” was not a town.

It was an enchanting village. The cottages and buildings were all made of the same warm golden-red-brown as Callum’s castle. There was only one cobbled street which was lined with shops on both sides and, on small alleyways that led off the street and up the rise behind the village, there were picturesque cottages and houses.

The melted snow had given the cobbled streets a glistening shine and the sidewalks were all brushed clear of snow.

Regardless of the gray day that threatened more snow, the village seemed vibrant and fascinating. There was a bakery with jam donuts, cookies and pastries displayed in its window, a peek inside showing different loaves of bread and rolls on wire racks behind a heated counter filled with warm savories. There was a fruit and vegetable shop with brightly colored produce in bushels in suspended baskets outside. There was a florist with vivid blooms in steel buckets out front. There was a butcher, a drug store, a shop that looked like it sold nothing but fishing gear. Another store that looked like it sold nothing but yarn. A women’s clothing store with a window that displayed more active, outdoorsy gear (but the bags and sweaters looked lush). A gift shop, which, when Sonia stole a glance inside while they strolled past, looked like it was filled with fun bits and bobs, none of which you needed but all of which you could convince yourself you did. And there was a café that was heaving with people eating or ordering teas and cakes.

And, lastly, even though it was a small village, it had no fewer than five pubs. Five!

Sonia would have liked the opportunity to peruse but this opportunity didn’t present itself.

Mainly because the other thing about the village was that it was busy with loads of people shopping or chatting on the sidewalks.

And all of them were Callum’s people, with clear eyes, long bodies, dark hair and beautiful faces.

And all of them, when they saw Sonia and Callum, looked surprised then delighted then they’d smile and start to drop to their knee.

And to all of them, Callum would say something like, “Keep your feet, Merriden, your queen doesn’t stand on ceremony.” Or, “Stand, Rhiannon, Queen Sonia isn’t big on formalities.”

Then they’d bow their head, grin a friendly grin at Sonia and chat with Sonia and Callum before letting them get on their way.

There were four things that surprised Sonia about this.

The first was that Callum knew all their names. Every last one.

The second was that he apparently wasn’t big on formalities either. She knew this because he chatted amiably with the villagers, his arm around Sonia’s shoulders, as if they were normal people, not a king and his new queen.