With Everything I Am(14)

“Play nice, queenie,” he ordered.

“Jesus, f**king, God, she’s a goddamn wildcat,” the other swore from behind them.

Their smell hit Sonia then.

She’d smelled them before.

They’d tracked her before. They were the menacing ones.

But they’d always kept a distance. Now, obviously, there was nothing distant about them and this made terror slice through her.

He held her easily. His strength was hard to miss. She was kicking out with her heels, connecting with his shins and he didn’t even so much as grunt.

He could snap her neck in an instant, she knew it. How she knew it, she couldn’t say, she just did.

Still, she fought his hold and only stopped when she noticed what he was doing.

Her body went solid.

He was sniffing her.

Sniffing her.

She held her breath.

“Fuck, do you f**king smell her?” he asked against her neck, his arms tightening painfully.

She felt his comrade get close but she heard him pull in breath through his nose.

Then his friend muttered, “Jesus.”

“You touch yourself tonight, queenie?” her captor asked, his voice a leer.

Her body jerked with surprise.

Oh my God, she thought hysterically, they’re like me.

“Sure she did.” The other got close, bending from his enormous height to peer in her face. “She doesn’t smell like that normally. I would have noticed.”

For some strange reason, her captor was rubbing his temple against her neck, her jaw, her cheek. “Christ, I’m getting hard.”

“What do you think?” his friend asked, getting closer, his voice dropping, becoming ugly with greed. “Will we get medals, promotions, or both, we do her before the king can claim her?”

Sonia’s body locked tight as fear froze every muscle.

“Both,” her captor muttered, his hand moving from her mouth, down her neck, her chest, his aim unmistakable as he continued, “Me first.”

She opened her mouth to scream. Her captor’s friend’s hand shot toward her face and she gave an almighty heave to get loose when they heard the thundering, unbelievably terrifying howl.

Everyone froze but Sonia’s eyes shot to the door.

The man from her dream stood there.

She gasped.

Then he moved, dropped down and crouched low on both legs and not even a second passed before he surged up…

And the man was gone but, suddenly – she could not believe her eyes – her wolf, alive and snarling, was flying across the room.