Wildest Dreams(54)

She shot up to sitting and he barely had time to contract his muscles to brace when she slapped his chest then bent over him, her hand at his chest, her hair framing her face, her eyes dancing, her cheeks pink with excitement and her voice breathless with enthusiasm when she demanded, “Tell me everything that happened!”

Frey stared into her animated face as it settled in his gut that this magnificent creature in his bed bravely voyaged from a whole other world for reasons of her own, reasons which weighed in his stomach, but also because their destinies bound them together.

And there she was, after he’d deserted her in his filthy cabin and left her for weeks, angry at her twin for her proclivities and frustrated that he was greatly attracted to her beauty regardless of them, thinking, but not much caring, that she would struggle.

But she did not.

Not his Finnie.

She fed on the challenge, bested it and ended up enjoying herself immensely.

Something about this humbled him as his eyes moved over her face.

“Frey!” she cried, her hand at his chest pressing in to get his attention and he lifted a hand, pulling back the thick, unbelievably soft curtain of hair and tucking it behind her ear.

When this was accomplished, her body gave a small, surprised jerk but her lips softened and her eyes warmed in that way he was getting used to and he liked very much.

“They needed to explain a situation to me and ask for my command. They did, I commanded and hopefully,” he lifted his hand again and tugged at the ends of her hair, “they’ve executed my command.”

“What was the situation?” she asked then didn’t wait for an answer before asking, “And what was your command?”

“This I cannot tell you, my new wife, not now,” he said softly and watched her face fall.

Then, as he was becoming accustomed, she did not give up.

“Why would they need your command?”

“So they would know how to proceed.”

“And how do they proceed?”

“With magic.”

Her eyes got wide as did her smile. “No joke?” she whispered and his body shook slightly with his laughter.

“No joke, Finnie.”

Her face grew dreamy, a look nearly as endearing as her delighted surprise as she whispered, “That is so cool.” Then she focused on him again and asked eagerly, “Do you get to watch?”

“If I wish.”

Her eyes got big again. “Did you watch?”

“No and I never do.”

Her face fell again right before it immediately brightened.

“Did you ask if I could come next time?”

“No, but I don’t need to. They are at my command. Sometime in future, when it is appropriate, I will take you to meet the elves.”

Her smile got so big, it seemed to light the space as she cried, “Awesome!” Then, almost immediately, she asked, “Would it be okay if I talk to them?”

“I’m certain they’d enjoy that.”

She smiled down at him before whispering, “Thanks, Frey.”

“You’re welcome, wife.”