Wildest Dreams(122)

She blinked at me, her chin jerking back as my hit scored and I heard the orchestra stop playing as out of the corner of my eye, as promised, I saw my eager dance partner approaching.

I turned to a table beside me and set my glass next to another resting there and turned back to Franka.

“A unique pleasure,” I muttered to her acidly, using Frey’s words as I tipped my chin then turned my head and smiled at my partner who already had his hand extended to me.

I took it and also took another cue from Frey and didn’t look back.

And then, luckily, that unpleasant meeting was forced from my brain since I had to concentrate on the dance, which was one of the more complicated ones.

And since I was concentrating, it wasn’t until after a woman bumped into me and my partner clutched my hand, stopped dancing and pulled me close that I quit concentrating. I looked up at him to see his face pale, eyes wide and he was looking toward the corner I had not long ago fled.

I turned that way and as I did I saw all the people on the dance floor had their eyes riveted that way too. I also heard the coughing, which was uncontrollable, and as my eyes moved to the corner where I’d been standing not three minutes ago, I saw an elderly woman in a deep purple gown start retching violently.

But there was blood already dribbling from her lip.

She had one hand to her throat, her eyes were wide with terror and her other hand held a champagne glass, the contents of which sloshed out as she coughed so deeply, it hurt to hear.

There was a low murmur running through the crowd as she struggled and a man in a deep purple shirt had his hand on her back and looked to be trying to guide her to a chair when it happened.

A profuse gurgle of blood poured out of her mouth.

I took a horrified step back and sucked in a shocked breath as small screams and more gasps were heard. But still more blood rushed forth from the poor woman’s throat as her skin turned livid, her eyes bugged out hideously and then she collapsed to the floor.

It was at that exact moment a hand curled around to cover my eyes and I was turned until I felt my front pressed into Frey’s.

“Find Franka. Find that bloody maid. And get your hands on that gods damned glass,” he growled, his voice a fearsome rumble, I tipped back my head and his hand slid away. One glance up at his face set in granite told me he’d busted the scales and he was in the Anger Danger Zone.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Max start winding urgently toward the crowd that had closed around the woman but Orion, Gunner and Lund were already there.

Before I could say a word, Frey shifted me into the waiting Thad’s arms and grunted, “Her room. Now. No one attends her. No one.”

Then Frey turned the opposite direction and moved into the ballroom in a direction I noted took him to Franka in her blood red dress but Thad was pulling me through the shoving, slightly frightened, slightly curious crowd and I lost sight of him. Then I saw Atticus pushing his way toward me, his face pale, his frightened eyes locked on me.

“Finnie,” he said when he got close but Thad positioned himself between me and Father and kept pulling me toward the hall.

“Stand back, your grace,” Thad warned as Father kept moving toward us.

Atticus’s eyes shot to Thad and the fear left them as anger, shock and royal affront filled them.

“I beg your pardon?” he clipped.

“Orders of The Drakkar,” Thad stated, Atticus’s mouth dropped open and Thad yanked me through a bunch of people who were streaming into the ballroom to see what all the commotion was about and then we were in the hall.

He didn’t waste any time pulling me through the hall, down the stairs and to my rooms. Then he didn’t waste any time ascertaining they were empty.

Then he took hold of both my arms and bent so his face was close to mine.

“Bolt the door behind me. I need to see what’s happening and I, or another of Frey’s men, will be back to guard your door. Do not open it to anyone, Princess Finnie, I don’t care who they are and I don’t care if you trust them. You open this door to Frey and me. Only Frey and me. Am I understood?” he asked.

“What’s happening?” I whispered.

“Am I understood, Finnie?” he repeated.

“Thad, what’s happening?” I repeated too but louder.

Thad stared at me a second as if trying to decide something.

Then he decided. “That glass was served to you by a maid known to Frey. Frey marked it when you put it down and he marked it when that woman accidentally picked it up. Tonight, my princess, someone tried to poison you.”