Until the Sun Falls from the Sky(44)

She glared at him. He scowled back.

She gave in first when she demanded to know, “Are we done with my lesson now?”

“Yes,” he growled.

“Good, then you’re going to go?”


Her body jolted again and she asked, “What?”

“That’s answer to part two of your earlier question. I’m not going. I’m spending the night here.”

Her eyes widened again when she asked, “Why?”

“I like the smell of you when I sleep.”

“What?” she cried in horror.

“And the feel of you,” he continued.

She rolled her eyes toward her forehead and muttered, “Oh my God. It just gets worse and worse.”

He ignored her verbal non-prayer and called, “Leah.” Her eyes snapped back to his face and she was back to glaring. “I’ll be here every night.”

Her nose wrinkled before she mumbled, “Yep. Gets worse and worse.”

Lucien decided he was done and it was time to move on. Therefore he did so.

“Now, you have three choices,” he informed her.

Her head tilted and her jaw clenched before she gritted from between her teeth, “And those are?”

“You can share a drink with me while I have dinner, yours being non-alcoholic.”

“Next,” she snapped.

“You can get changed into your nightgown, get into bed and read.”

“That sounds doable.”

“I’ll be joining you.”

“Next,” she demanded immediately.

“Last, you can begin your next lesson.”

“And that would be?”

“I’ll be teaching you how I like to be kissed.”

Her face paled and her body froze.

After a long moment, she whispered, “I’ll pick door number two.”

He lost his annoyance and his impatience instantly for that was his choice. Although his choice was actually number three but he knew she wasn’t ready for that yet.

His fingers unclenched in her hair and his hand cupped the back of her head, bringing her face closer to his.