Until the Sun Falls from the Sky(234)

I liked that.

“What?” I tipped my head to the side. “Do you memorize the page number or something?”

“Do you really care?” he shot back.

I smiled at him. “No.”

His hands came to my hips. I felt the pads of his fingers press in and just with that, my body heated.

“I like your kids,” I whispered, sliding my hands up slightly, my torso moving down a smidgeon as I did.

“Good,” he muttered, sliding his hands up too, pulling me down a smidgeon more.

“And your Mom is lovely,” I told him, my hands sliding up more as I bent just a touch closer.

“She is,” he agreed, his hands doing the same, pulling me closer.

That was when I moved down. Folding one of my arms between us, the other hand slid up to curve around his strong jaw as my thumb slid out to glide along his beautiful lips.

“I like that for you,” I whispered and he blinked.


“You’re Mighty Vampire Lucien,” I told him and felt his lips twitch. “But even superheroes need good folks at their backs. Batman has Robin and that butler guy. Iron Man has that dude in the military and Pepper Potts. Spiderman has Aunt May. The Fantastic Four are, well… four. And –”

“You don’t have to recite your knowledge of all things superhero, sweetling,” Lucien said against my thumb, his voice vibrating with humor. “I think I’ve got it.”

My thumb swept his cheekbone and I repeated softly, “I like that for you.”

“There’s a problem with this scenario,” Lucien noted and my head tilted.

“What problem?”

Suddenly I found myself on my back with Lucien’s weight on top of me and his lips brushing mine.

“Superheroes don’t often get the girl,” he murmured against my lips and that made my body heat more.

“Okay, then you’re a new, better, real kind of superhero who gets laid regularly,” I murmured back, my hands traveling light on his skin.

“Better?” he whispered, his hands traveling light on the satin of my nightie.

“Oh yeah,” I whispered back.

His mouth grinned against mine and I watched up close as his eyes got smug.

That used to annoy me. Now I thought it was hot.

I wrapped my legs around his h*ps as his lips trailed down my cheek to my ear. One of his hands pushed between me and the bed so his arm could wrap around me tight.

His tongue touched the skin under my ear then his lips moved against it. “I’m going to feed from you, my pet.”

My whole body trembled.

Lucien wasn’t done.

“And I’m going to do it everywhere.”

Oh yes. That sounded nice.