Until the Sun Falls from the Sky(181)

“What?” I asked and Edwina gave me a look.

I wrote sorry in big block letters on the pad and showed it to her.

Her head tilted to the side. She winked at me and fluttered back to the kitchen.

Avery spoke. “She’s concerned. As you’re in the life, you’re entitled to know about vampire culture. But other cultures are kept from you. They’re secret as the vampire culture is secret from all mortals outside of it. In other words, I can’t tell you what I am.”

My eyes went wide then I wrote on my pad and turned it to show him.

“Yes, Leah, there are other cultures, other kinds of immortals,” he paused then continued, “and other creatures.”

This was news. Seriously nutty, outrageous news.

I wrote on my pad again and showed him. He read it and smiled.

“I trust you to keep my secret, little one.” Only Avery, who was seven foot tall and mammoth, would be able to get away with calling me “little one”.

He went on, “Though, if anyone ever knew I told you, I’d be sentenced to death.”

I felt my eyes bug out in horror and he laughed and continued, “We take our secrets very seriously.”

I wrote no kidding on my pad. He read it and chuckled again.

Then I wrote why?

“Do the words ‘angry villagers’ mean anything to you?” he asked, trying to make it a joke but I didn’t take it as such.

I felt my heart hurt like it did last night when Lucien explained the world he was forced to live in. Not only hiding his magnificence but also being roundly and kind of sickeningly used and misunderstood.

I wrote angrily on my pad again and showed it to Avery. When he read it, his face grew soft, his big hand came out and he tugged a lock of my hair.

Then his gentle eyes looked deep into mine and he whispered, “Not all mortals suck, Leah.”

His words washed over me and I smiled at him. It was shaky, my heart still hurt but I was glad he didn’t blame me for whatever tortures his people endured from my people, either advertently or inadvertently.

The phone rang. Edwina answered it then brought it to me.

“Lucien,” she said and my heart skipped an irritating beat. I took it and put it to my ear.

Then I didn’t know what to do, his command was no talking.

Could I do long distance, mutant vampire abilities, telepathic communication?

“Leah?” he called.

I was silent.

“You can talk, sweetling,” he said softly.

I was relieved. Then I was cross.

“You know, it totally sucks that I have to wait for you to let me speak,” I informed him waspishly.

He chuckled. Damn the vampire!

I ignored the chuckle.

“Did you manage not to get arrested today?” I asked.