Until the Sun Falls from the Sky(157)

“No,” he answered.

Her body jerked and she twisted her head to look at him.

“But I’m tired,” she lied.

“Yes, I know.” He tried not to grin.

“You said we could go to bed.” Her tone held a mild accusation.

“We’re in bed,” he pointed out.

“I thought you meant to sleep,” she told him.

“I didn’t.”

“But –” she started but didn’t finish. He moved her to face him, tugging the covers out of her hands at the same time lifting up to lean his back against the headboard and pressing her torso to his side.

“We’re going to talk,” he announced.

She tilted her head back to look at him. “I’m really tired, Lucien. Really tired.” She stressed the words vocally and by pressing her soft body deeper into his. “I don’t think I have it in me to talk.”

His hand came up to cup her jaw. “That’s fine, sweetheart, you aren’t going to be talking.”

Her body grew tense.

“It’s been some time since you’ve had a lesson,” he told her and saw surprise slide across her features.

He watched her struggle with her reaction. Then he watched her lose.

“Have you come to a decision?” she asked, her voice edging toward a demand.

“About what?”

He heard her teeth grinding and controlled his laughter.


“Earlier tonight, you said you were going to choose,” she reminded him. “Have you come to your decision?”

As much as he was enjoying this, Lucien let her off the hook.

“That’s what your lesson is about.”

He watched her face working again, heard her teeth grinding again before he felt her weight settle into his side.

“I’m all ears,” she muttered, now her voice held mild irritation.

His hand at her jaw slid into the side of her hair and he pressed her cheek against his chest. He then took her wrist, pulling it across his abdomen, resting her arm there. Finally, he placed his hand on her neck, thumb stroking her throat.

“Did you learn anything about the history of concubines while in class?” he asked.

Her felt her head move indicating a negative against his chest.

Of course she didn’t.

Lucien smiled over her head and continued, “The role of official concubine started just after The Revolution when mortal and immortal representatives met to negotiate the Agreement which would dictate how the two cultures would co-exist. Eleven Elders, or oldest living vampires, represented our culture. Ambassadors from eleven European countries represented yours. For mortals, the primary concern was to stop hunting. For immortals, the primary concern was to ensure safe feeding but also to find a way that vampires could feed and still have a place in society not in shadows. As I told you before, many vampires already had what amounted to concubines, women who shared their blood willingly. It was agreed that this would be the practice from that point on. The Agreement was written and both immortals and mortals signed it.”

Lucien paused and Leah nodded that she understood and he should carry on which he did.