The Gamble(38)

“Designed it too,” Harry went on before Max, who’d turned his head to me, could reply.

“He did not,” Shauna put in coldly and I looked back at them.

“Well, Rudy helped,” Harry grinned, seemingly impervious to her frosty demeanor. “He looked over the plans.”

“Rudy’s an architect,” Shauna told me with great emphasis on her last word. “He more than helped.”

I decided Shauna seemed kind of like a bitch.

“Still,” I said, “building it, that’s –”

Shauna cut me off. “He didn’t totally build it.”

“Yeah, those windows would be hard to get in all by himself, but the rest of it –” Harry said.

Shauna looked at Harry. “He didn’t do the wiring.”

Harry looked at Max. “I thought you did.”

Again before Max could reply, Shauna put in, “Not all of it.”

Before anything more could be said, my eyes on Shauna, I swiftly and firmly declared, “Doesn’t matter, laying a single stone to create that beautiful house would be impressive. The whole place is perfect.”

Shauna’s eyes locked with mine and we went into stare down. The stare down was interrupted by Max sliding his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side. Both Shauna and I broke contact, me because I was shocked at his familiar hold, Shauna because she was clearly infuriated by it.

I tipped my head back to look at Max to see his head was tilted down to look at me.

“You think my house is beautiful?” he asked softly.

I was struck by something in his eyes, something intense and mesmerizing, and the restaurant faded away.

“Well… yes, because it is,” I replied just as softly.

“Hey, you’re English,” Harry butted in and I watched up close as Max’s jaw hardened and his eyes sliced to Harry.

I looked at Harry too and unlike Max I was glad, for my sanity mostly, that Harry had butted into our little moment. It was a nice little moment and it made me feel warm all over, something I knew I shouldn’t feel.

“Not exactly,” I said to Harry, “I just have a hint of an accent because I live there.”

“Whoa!” Harry burst out and such was his surprise at this news his body slammed back into the booth. “Really?”


Harry’s eyes darted between Max and I and he asked, “You live in England, how did you two hook up?”

“Long story,” Max’s gravelly voice replied in a way that said that particular long story was not going to be told now or ever to Harry but more than likely especially to Shauna.

Harry belatedly took the hint and asked me instead, “What do you do in England?”

“I’m a solicitor.”

“A what?” Harry asked.

“It’s what the English call an attorney,” I explained and I felt Max’s hand tighten on my shoulder.

“Cool!” Harry exclaimed. “Like, ‘Order in the court!’ and ‘I object!’”

“Not exactly, I’m not a barrister, I’m a solicitor. I don’t often see court.”