The Gamble(210)


His hands stopped gliding and his arms wrapped around me. “Next time, baby, don’t want anything between us. Yeah?”

I had missed two pills while I was sick so I doubled up for two days after. I had no idea if this strategy would work and I didn’t care. Max didn’t want anything between us, I didn’t either.


His arms gave me a squeeze.

I raised my head and looked down at his content, amazingly handsome face that, if this worked between us, could be mine.

This thought washed over me in a way that was so gorgeous, so warm, I automatically lifted up further and put a hand to his face, using my fingertips to memorize the contours of one side, his cheekbone, his temple, his hairline, his lips. It didn’t feel as good as it looked but it was close.

I was sliding the backs of my fingers along his stubbled jaw when he spoke.

“You okay?”

My eyes went to his and I saw his were searching.

“Mm hmm,” I answered.

His mouth twitched and he muttered, “I got morning but na**d Nina Zombie sittin’ on my cock.”

I shoved my face in his neck again.

“Mm,” was my response.

I felt his body move with silent laughter then he said, “I’m gonna shift you off me, darlin’. While I’m gone, you move from this bed, I’ll –”

“I won’t move,” I murmured my assurance.

He was silent a moment before his arms gave me a squeeze and he called my name. “Nina?”


“You sure you’re okay?”

I nodded. “I’m good,” I cuddled closer, “very good.”

I felt his body grow still under mine then his arms got tighter.

“How good are you?”

I snuggled even closer and answered, “Max, I’m very, very good.”

He was silent again then his hand slid up my spine and sifted into my hair, cupping the back of my head and holding my face close.

“Thank, f**kin, Christ,” he muttered, keeping me close for awhile before he rolled me to my good side, pulling out at the same time. He got up on an elbow but leaned down, kissed my temple and then he left the bed.

I was curled on my side, parallel to the pillows and I crawled back under the sheets and curled again with a pillow held to me.

I watched Max walk out of the bathroom na**d and I decided I liked that too.

He pulled the covers up a bit, yanked the pillow out of my arms, tossed it to the head then replaced it with his body.

This was much better.

He gathered me in his arms, sliding a thigh between my legs so I hooked one on his hip and pressed close, my hands at his chest.