The Gamble(158)

“She knows we were together, she knows now we’re not,” Max returned. “You wanna carry on this conversation, we’ll do it outside.”

“You don’t want her to know,” Kami shot back and Max slid out of the booth but Kami’s eyes came to me. “Led her on, took her ring shoppin’ then scraped her off, givin’ her no reason whatsoever. Just ended it,” and she lifted up her hand and gave a loud snap with her fingers.

“Where’d you hear that shit?” Brody asked, his tone scathing.

“Shauna told me,” Kami answered.

“Shauna lied,” Max stated, his hand on Kami’s arm. “We’re finishin’ this elsewhere.”

She pulled her arm out of his hold and took a step back, accusing, “Shauna and I have been friends since forever and you treat her like that?”

Well that explained the attitude about Max and his supposed player status. Shauna had fed Kami lies and Kami, being what I knew of Kami, lapped it up.

My eyes went to Mindy and she bugged hers out at me in a “See!” look.

“Kami –” Max began but she kept talking.

“That’d be like me messin’ with Brody’s head.”

“Like that’d happen,” Brody muttered, visibly shivering in revulsion at the thought and it was my turn to fight back a laugh and I did so by taking another healthy sip of my martini.

Kami gave him a glare then turned to Max and dealt her death blow. “Or like when you f**ked things up with me and Curt.”

My head snapped around at this interesting news and I stared at Kami.

“Uh-oh,” Mindy muttered.

“Kami, for f**k’s sake,” Max bit out.

“Christ, Kami, that was twenty years ago,” Brody put in.

“Not quite,” Kami snapped.

“You wanna do this here, great,” Max stated and crossed his arms on his chest. “Curt f**ked things up with you and him, not me. He always wanted Bitsy, Kami, even when he was with you. He got his chance, he took it. Truth hurts but there it is. Curt’s dead, Bitsy’s broken and it’s time for you to get the f**k over it.”

“Bitsy’s not broken, she may be stuck in that chair but she’ll be rollin’ in Curtis’s money for the rest of her life.”

This utterly nasty comment was when I felt it necessary to intervene, why, I didn’t know, it was insane. But I did it.

“You’re a cow,” I declared and her eyes narrowed on me.

“What’d you call me?”

“A cow. We use that expression in England when we’re talking about a bitter, whinging woman.”

“What’s ‘whinging’?” Mindy asked on a whisper and I didn’t take my eyes off Kami as I answered.

“Moaning, complaining, nagging, bitching. That’s whinging.”

Kami leaned forward and hissed, “The nerve.”

“No, nerve is described in England as ‘cheek’, otherwise known as audacity or impudence, demonstrated by you walking up to our table and being a cow.”

“Nina,” Max muttered but he didn’t sound angry anymore, he sounded the opposite.

It was Max’s sister and if he didn’t want me to have a verbal altercation with her that was his call. I’d said my piece anyway.

So I sat back, drained my glass and declared, “I need another martini.”