The Gamble(152)

I left my hand where it was because I liked his explanation probably better than he liked my touch. I did this even though my protective instinct was waking up and it was likely I did it not only because I liked his explanation but I also liked touching him.

His attention went back to the road, he found his opening, turned right and after he’d gained our cruising speed, his fingers laced in mine again.

“There were pictures of you,” I went back to my topic and Max’s hand squeezed mine.

“Not surprised,” Max replied off-handedly. “Bitsy likes photos and I’ve known her a long time.”

“How long?”

“Since school.”

“She a friend that long?”


“There was a picture of you and Curtis Dodd,” I told him. “It looked like you were friends.”

I thought he’d understand where I was leading with this and maybe share. But he didn’t or at least he didn’t share the important bits.

“Yeah, we were friends, long time ago. Brody, Curt and me hung out together in high school. We all played ball.”




He said no more and I waited, giving him his opening and he didn’t take it.

“What happened?” I asked softly, thinking I knew and bracing for impact.

“Lotsa shit,” Max answered and kept talking, “after school, Curt and me were in business together, construction, small jobs. He wanted to take it in a different direction, the one he took and he wanted me with him. He was determined and eventually got in my face. I didn’t like it, not him gettin’ in my face or what he planned to do and I knew the town wouldn’t either. I tried to talk him out of it. He didn’t listen.”

He stopped speaking and I waited again for him to share further.

He didn’t.

“But you stayed close to Bitsy,” I remarked.

“Yeah,” he replied and he started to move his thumb, using it to stroke the back of my hand.

That felt nice in a way that interfered with my ability to put together the words to tell him I’d seen his wedding photo when Max changed the subject.

“Got an idea.”

“An idea?”


“What idea?”

“Next week, I’ll introduce you to George.”


“Attorney in town, only one we got. Last time I talked to him he was talkin’ about expanding, findin’ a partner. All the new folks around, work’s pilin’ up.”

My heart started beating faster and I said softly, “Max –”