Sommersgate House(66)

“Let me up,” she demanded.

He hesitated only a moment then knifed away from her, lithely got to his feet and bent over, grabbed her hand and pulled her effortlessly to her own.

“I take back my apology,” she informed him angrily. “You’re a jerk.”

She couldn’t see his smile but she heard it in his voice. “And you’re mad.”

“I know what I saw,” she told him haughtily.

“Would you like to show me?”

“I can’t go back there!” Her voice was edgy with fear and she didn’t care one whit. “Maybe she’s waiting.”

“You could come with me to my room,” he suggested smoothly. “The inn’s full tonight, but I have a big bed, plenty of room for the both of us.”

“You’re impossible,” she hissed in return.

“And you’re adorable,” he replied instantly, his tone warm and teasing.

Julia gaped because Douglas Ashton had just called her adorable.

Not to mention Douglas playful and warm and teasing, all in one night? It was too much to take. And, try as she might, she couldn’t stop the warm tingles that his easy, sweet compliment gave her.

“Fine, I’ll go back,” she announced and walked by him, deciding her best bet was to ignore the whole thing but when he didn’t move she turned back and demanded, “Well? Are you coming?”

“Are you inviting me to your room?” he returned.

“Of course, you have to make sure it’s safe.”

“Protect you from a ghost?” he asked incredulously and she was certain, even though she couldn’t see it, he’d raised that damned brow.


He regarded her for a moment then chuckled but did not move.

She sighed angrily.

“Well?” she prompted.

He hesitated only briefly.

“Lead on fair damsel,” Douglas muttered, Julia saw his shadowed arm gesture for her to move forward and she was too frightened to utter another angry rejoinder. She walked on and, at her door, she stopped.

“You go first,” she whispered.

He spared her a glance then walked through and surveyed the room while she stayed at the door.

“No ghosts,” he called to her.

“Did you check by the window?” she called back.

“Julia,” he replied with patience that was strained but in an amused way, “there are no ghosts in your room.”

She walked in hesitantly and when she saw the room was clear of spooky spectres, she moved around in order to turn on every light she could all the while he watched her. She was trembling and edgy and expected to see the apparition at any moment.

When she got near Douglas, he caught her arm with his hand to stop her and he dipped his head to look closely at her.

“You really are frightened,” he stated softly.