Sommersgate House(30)


What she really would like was a shot or two of tequila but she doubted any of the unquestionably invaluable crystal decanters held anything as common as tequila.

“That’ll do,” Julia replied.

He poured the drinks and brought one to her. After he handed her the glass, he took a sip from his and shoved his other hand in his pocket, rocking back on his heels.

“Would you like to start? Or shall I?” he asked politely.

She watched him carefully. As far as she could tell, in the last week he’d spent approximately two hours in the company of the children. What he had to say she could not imagine and curiosity almost made her let him go first.

Instead, she took a sip, winced as the fiery liquid went down and said, “I’d like to start, if you don’t mind.”

“Be my guest,” he said and motioned courteously to the couch.

She sat, thinking he, too, would sit, but he stayed standing. She realised her mistake immediately as she’d have to look up at him. She hid it by pretending she didn’t care. She casually pulled her legs up on the couch, tucked them beside her as if this was a cosy little arrangement and she was as comfortable as if she was ensconced in front of the television in Patricia’s living room.

He again put his hand in his pocket and surveyed her and she had the distinct feeling she wasn’t fooling him, not one bit.

“I have a list,” she announced.

“I can see that.” His voice was carefully controlled but she had the impression that he wasn’t biting back anger but rather hiding amusement. She shot a sharp glance at him but his face was just as blank as his voice was controlled.

With no further ado, she launched into it. The children’s food, their schedules, their boarding school, the time they were allowed on the computer or in front of the television, the unnatural quiet they had to observe.

She had a few things to say about Monique as well, but she did so carefully. She made no accusations but instead made it perfectly clear who, exactly, had been chosen to raise the children and how that was going to carry on from this point forward.

She also informed him that she needed to settle in, for herself and for the children. She needed a bank account, a job, a means of making money and continuing her contribution to her pension for the time when she was back home, alone and facing the wrong side of middle age (although she didn’t share that last bit). She explained her concerns about health insurance, the urgency of getting a driver’s license, a car and an open-ended visa and work permit.

She also told him she’d like to contribute financially to the house and the children’s expenses and asked him to assess a monthly figure she could pay and they would discuss it.

When she finished, she was very proud of herself. She had been succinct, logical and controlled. For his part, he listened patiently and without interruption.

He walked back to the drinks cabinet and poured himself another whisky. She took a cautious sip of hers that had heretofore gone forgotten.

He turned back from the drinks cabinet, leaned his thigh against its edge and regarded her.

She regarded him right back.

Moments passed.

Finally, she could stand it no more.

“Well?” she asked, her tone more sharp than she would have liked and she berated herself for allowing him to shake her control. She needed that control, for a variety of reasons.

“Julia, the children go to boarding school because it’s far superior to anything the government could offer them. They take lessons because they should have accomplishments outside of school. That won’t change.”

“Douglas –”

He lifted a hand to stop her interruption and she shut her mouth only because he’d let her speak her piece uninterrupted. She should give him the same opportunity and then let him have it if she didn’t agree.

“As for their food, what lessons they have and how many, their schedules, television…” he trailed off, obviously beyond these petty details, “I leave that in your capable hands.”

She immediately felt relief flooding through her; he wasn’t going to argue with her.

“And how will Monique feel about this? Will you talk to her?” she asked.

“I’ll control Mother,” he answered in a tone so implacable, Julia almost felt sorry for Monique. “As for your job, visa, license, I’ll get Sam on it. And I’ll ask her to clear my schedule so I can take you to the bank and get you an account.”