Sommersgate House(166)

Douglas assured her, just as briefly and curtly, that he nor Nick and most definitely not Carter (“Retired,” Douglas had grunted) were currently or would ever again be involved in what he called “the job”.

Feeling (accurately) that he needed to leave it at that, she allowed him to do so but it was very, very hard.

She just had to trust him.

And she did.

Upon entering their room at the Royal Crescent Hotel, long past the time they should have been there, Douglas simply undressed Julia, undressed himself and pulled her into bed with him.

To sleep.

Facing her, he lifted one of her legs to drape over his hip and pulled her in his arms, tucking her head under his chin.

Regardless of this intimate position, with no apparent amorous intentions, he closed his eyes.

He muttered no seconding to his (somewhat wonderful) avowals of love. He didn’t mention the fact that his childhood home had nearly erupted like a volcano. Or that he’d witnessed the ghosts of two dead lovers fade to heaven.

“Um,” she muttered against his neck, “what are you doing?”

“Sleeping,” was his weary reply.

He wasn’t sleeping because he was speaking but she thought it best not to point that out.

Instead, she asked, “Now?”

“I’m tired.”

Julia fidgeted. The adrenalin was still coursing through her body.

“Well, now I can say I’ve seen it all. Nothing seems to slow you down but I guess mortal combat, experiencing your ancestral home shake off an evil curse and witnessing the passionate reunion of two dead lovers finally has stalled the Great Douglas Ashton, Baron Blackbourne, ruthless business tycoon and secret agent –”

“Be quiet, Julia.”

“I love you, Douglas.”

His arms tensed fiercely, crushing her to him. He held her for long moments then his arms loosened but they didn’t go away.

“Go to sleep,” he ordered but this order was gentle.

“Okay,” she obeyed on a whisper because even though it was an order, she liked the way it sounded.

And somehow his calm communicated itself to her, she felt the tenseness of the night drain away and she did as he commanded.

He’d loved the cufflinks and she’d adored the rubies.

They’d managed to keep it all from the children (and Ronnie) due to a quickly orchestrated dash to London which the children had to be pulled out of school for so they could be fitted for their dresses and morning suit for the nuptial festivities.

When they returned, the plaster and doors were fixed and there were no bloodstains to be found.

Several days later, while Julia was at her new consultancy, Douglas ordered Ronnie to move all of Julia’s things to his rooms.

When Julia arrived home later than normal, she found no one waiting for her in the kitchen. Upon quick inspection of the house, she finally entered the last place she expected to find anyone, Douglas’s sitting room.

He was on the couch, his briefcase open on the table in front of him, papers spilled everywhere and his mobile at his ear. His eyes came to her the minute she walked in and, even though they warmed, they were also wary.

Will was doing his homework sitting at the desk in the corner.

Mrs. K and Ronnie’s disembodied voices came from the bedroom and Julia tore her gaze away from Douglas and wandered through the door dazedly.