
“You made a date with this guy.”

This was a statement voiced in a way that her attention shifted swiftly back to him.

Her eyes moved over his face slowly before she whispered, “Yes, Sebring.”

He studied her for any signs he was the player getting played.

As was her norm, she gave him nothing.

“You date him, you do not fuck him,” he ordered.

She twisted her torso, turning fully to him. “Sebring—”

“You take me ungloved. You’ve never taken me gloved. You make a habit of that with all the men you fuck?”

Her shoulders straightened and her eyes darkened. “Absolutely not.”

“And I believe that…how? I fucked you against a wall and took you repeatedly for days, all without protection, all before you even said hi to me.”

“This is rather late timing to share your concerns,” she remarked.

“Answer my question,” he demanded.

“That is not a common occurrence.”

“Is it uncommon?”

Her soft voice was a strained snap when she replied, “It’s singularly unique.”

“I gotta believe that, Olivia.”

“I have to believe the same, Sebring.”

“Wasn’t me walked your way, beggin’ with my eyes for you to fuck me,” he pointed out.

He felt the searing fire which was indication she had a formidable temper she had not yet unleashed as she stood, announcing, “This is done.”

She bent to put her drink down and turned to her purse but he caught her before she grabbed it and had her in his lap before she could make a move to stop him.

She twisted at the waist, planting a hand in his chest and pushing hard.

“I said this is done,” she reiterated.

“What’s done?” he shot back. “You bein’ pissy I’m askin’ pertinent questions after you strut in here tellin’ me some guy wants to fuck you and you made a date with him while you’re fuckin’ me and doin’ it takin’ me ungloved? Or somethin’ else.”

“We’re done,” she retorted sharply.


He felt those words too many places, including his balls, his gut, spearing into his temples and burning around his heart.

He wanted that reaction to be about Hettie. He wanted it to be about his plan. He wanted it to be about vengeance.

But Olivia Shade never smiled, she fucked strangers in a way it was clear that was the only connection she’d allow herself and she had nasty scars on her back.

And Nick was drowning in all that.

So in order to control that too, Nick had to admit to himself it wasn’t just about Hettie, his plan or vengeance.