
Before he could hit scar, she rolled to her back, taking him with her so he was on top, both his hands trapped under her.

She’d rolled him on top.

She hadn’t done that. Not once.

He settled in, doing it shifting one arm out from under her to put some of his weight into it at her side, the other hand he moved to her hip where he stroked.

“See?” he joked. “Not as top as you think you are.”

She sighed.

He grinned and kept stroking her hip.

He was wiped but she fell asleep before him, relaxing under his body and his touch which he used to smooth not only her hip, but her side and in, avoiding her scar, to slide up her back and hold her to him.

As she melted into sleep, Knight’s words came to him.

Mysterious pussy can be good. But mostly, mysterious pussy is just a trap.

His brother was right about both.

But he’d missed one.

Mysterious pussy could also just be a mystery.

And Nick was now drowning in the mystery of Olivia Shade.

Which meant he had no choice but to solve it so he could surface.

And maybe survive.

Chapter Eight

Have a Care


I heard my phone ringing and my eyes opened.

I saw mattress covered in a rumpled white sheet, sunlight and a hotel room.

I also heard something more.

This being Nick’s voice saying quietly, “Yeah.”

My eyes shifted up.

He was naked and standing by the bed, his head turned to where the noise was coming from my cell that was in my purse on the dresser across the room.

“Large pot of coffee, orange juice, a bottle of champagne, fruit plate, granola and yogurt,” Nick said, still talking low, and I saw he was on the hotel phone. “That’s fine. Right. Thanks,” he ended and I watched him hang up.

I heard my phone stop ringing but Nick walked that way.

My gaze followed and I enjoyed watching him move.

Since we’d met, I’d had no occasion simply to take him in.

And right then I saw his casual confidence in manner also was reflected in his movement, not to mention in his nudity, all being extremely appealing.