
He let her push him back but went back farther in order to give himself room to do what he intended to do.

Which was what he did.

Lifting her up wrapped around his middle, feeling his lips twitch at the angry, surprised noise she made, he walked her into the room. He swung her around like they were swing dancers doing a lift and she made another noise, this one just surprised, before she landed on her back on the bed.

He landed on her and that was when he heard and felt her breath leave her in a puff.

“Right,” he began. “Let’s start different this time.”

No void expression.

Her eyes were shooting fire.

Not the kind that she wanted to use to brand him.

The kind that told him she was pissed right the fuck off.

Nick again fought laughing.

She said nothing.

He didn’t laugh but he did smile, moving his hand to her face, cupping the side and dropping close.

“Hi,” he whispered.

Her gaze had dropped to his smile but after he said that word, it lifted to his.

He again had the void.

He missed the fire.

But he got her voice.

“Hi,” she whispered back.

Necessarily, due to the fact it was a whisper, it was soft.

Surprisingly, it was a lot more.

Too much more.

He decided that was good enough.

So he slanted his head and took her mouth.

* * * * *

Twenty-two Minutes Later

They’d both climaxed.

Her face in his neck, his cock in her cunt, him on his ass, his legs up, cocooning her, she tried to shift off.

Nick allowed it to a point.

When he was done, he caught her ankle.

She stilled her movements and lifted her eyes to his.