
I dug through my trash and buried the phone in it, tucked inside a used food container.

After that, I washed my hands, dried them and took a deep breath.

I’d done what I could do.

All I could do.

Now it was over.

All that was left was unfamiliar territory.

That being hope.

The only hope I allowed myself to have.

Hope that Nick stayed safe.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Morning Light


Four Days Later

The hand closing over my mouth woke me with an agonizing rush of terror and panic.

“Be calm, Olivia,” a deep voice came through the dark, right in my ear, and I could sense him hovering over me on my bed. “It’s Knight. I need you to come with me.”


Knight Sebring?

I turned my head on my pillow to look up at the shadow above me and the hand over my mouth came with me.

“I’m not here to hurt you,” he told me. “I’m here to deliver a message. When I do that, what’s next is your choice.”

I stared at his shadow.

“You gonna stay calm?” he asked.

It took a moment for what was happening to penetrate before I nodded.

He immediately moved his hand.

“Now I need you to come with me.”

The shadow disappeared from the bed and moved toward the door. As I watched, I saw weak light coming down the hall. In that light, as the dark line of Knight Sebring’s body came into better focus, I saw a petite blonde woman standing out in the hall.

I knew her. Vaguely, but she was in our world. She’d been on Knight’s team back in the day as well as running her own PI business. She’d moved from Denver years ago. Now she was back.

Sylvie Bissennette.

What was going on?

Knight disappeared through the door, but Sylvie remained in the hall, eyes to me, face inscrutable.

Whatever was going on, I had no choice but to face it.