
But he didn’t have a good feeling about this. Liv knew he wanted her communicating. He reached out, she knew to reach back. Her non-response was more than a little troubling.

“Thanks, brother, I’ll check in soon.”

“Right. Later.”

They disconnected and Nick tore his eyes from Liv’s house when he heard his name called.

He looked to the car where Jed was sitting across the street.

“Stay or go?” Jed called his question.

“Stay,” Nick called back. “And get another man here. Eyes everywhere. Anyone approaches this house, they’re stopped and I’m notified.”

Jed nodded and closed his window.

Not giving a shit, the jig was up because, with shit going down at the House of Shade, he was not going to let Olivia out of his sight, he walked right up to her house.

He tried his key.

It didn’t work on the front door.

He rang. He knocked.

She didn’t answer.

He turned and looked to Jed who was now leaning against the door outside his car.

Jed pointed at her house with a sharp upward jerk of his chin.

She was in there.

Why didn’t she open the goddamned door?

He called her and got voicemail again.

“I’m out front, Liv. Open the fuckin’ door,” he growled into the phone.

He disconnected and then he texted that same message to her.

He hit the doorbell.

He knocked.

No answer.


He moved around the side of the house, found a foothold in order to jump the five foot tall fence and prowled to a set of French doors that led to the pool. He tried his key.

His temper cooled considerably when it worked.

He opened the door and moved into her space.

Then he moved through her space, going where he thought she’d likely be, the front great room.

She wasn’t there.

He called her name.