
Now, with spotty reception, he felt relief when she answered. He also immediately decided to put a man on her, everywhere she went, unless she was with Nick.

“Sebring,” she said in greeting.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Not really,” she answered.

He jogged faster. “What’s happening?”

“Not for the phone,” she stated, her voice breaking up as he got deeper underground, but he heard her.


She knew her cell wasn’t tracked. He’d told her after his boys went over it.

She still had something she couldn’t say on the phone.


He pushed through the door. “I’m coming home. Where are you?”

“Sucking back melon shit and vodka at your bar.”

“Be there in twenty.”

“All right, sweetheart.”

He disconnected, got in his car and probably pissed off a fuckload of people as he made the thirty-minute, rush-hour drive to his place, doing it in twenty.

He jogged up his steps taking them two at a time.

He pulled open the door, shut it behind him, bolted it and strode swiftly into his unit to see her at his bar, tight skirt still on, high heels kicked off, the evidence of her recent activities littering his kitchen, hand wrapped around a green drink.

“I’m cooking and you can’t argue since it’s mostly done,” she declared.

It smelled awesome which probably meant each bite was going to shave a year off his life.

“You’re home early,” he noted, making his way to her.

“Even though my father thinks he owns me, I do tend to be allowed to make my own hours. So today, I gave myself the afternoon off to go to the grocery store, get the provisions and beat you here to start cooking because our monthly meeting about the family business was postponed due to unexpected circumstances.”

He stopped close and she tipped her head back to keep hold on his gaze.

Watching her hair glide off her shoulders and fall down her back, seeing how soft her slim-fitting sweater looked up close, having her mouth right there, he wanted to kiss her.

But he didn’t quite get what was in her eyes.

“What’s makin’ you not really okay, Livvie?” he asked quietly.

“I have good news and…I think…good news,” she announced.

He felt his head jerk.

Then he warned her he was losing patience by saying, “Liv.”

“My guess is that you know Drake Nair.”

Nick felt his body go solid.