
He meant now.

“Sebring, I’m seeing him tomorrow night. When I do I’ll—”

I snapped my mouth shut when he asked in a scary tone, “Are you fuckin’ shitting me?”

“I’ll explain during dinner,” I promised. “He’s a decent guy. It’s—”

“End it now, Liv.”

“You know,” I started tersely, “it doesn’t make me very happy when you interrupt me.”

The minute I quit talking, he rolled off me and the bed.

I snatched the covers up over me before I pushed up to my elbows and watched him walk naked through his bedroom to the living room. I then watched him grab my purse from the coffee table, open it and dig through.

I got distracted by his wide chest, his cut abs, his thick thighs and his very pretty cock as he walked back to me.

I got undistracted when his weight hit me again and my phone was digging into my palm because he was pushing it there.

“End it now, Livvie,” he demanded.

“It’s going to get back to my mother,” I told him.

“You’re gonna date a guy when you got a man so you don’t have to put up with your mother?” he asked incredulously.

My eyes slid to the side as I muttered, “You don’t know my mother.”

“Liv.” My name vibrated with meaning and it was dangerous meaning even if the vibration was physical and slid along my skin rather pleasantly.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “We get along. He’s a decent guy. He’s interesting. He’s into me. What reason do I give to end things? I can’t tell him I’m with you, that’ll get to Georgia, then Dad, and we both know the results of me doing something Dad has not stamped as approved aren’t pretty.”

“Say you got a new job and you gotta focus on it. Say you’re not feelin’ it with him. Say you’re in a place in your life right now where you can’t be about a relationship. I don’t know. I got a dick. That shit comes easy. Just work it.”

Oh no he didn’t.

I gave him a chance to take it back.

“You got a dick and that shit comes easy?”

“A man wants shot of a woman, he doesn’t fuck around worried about her feelings. He gets on with it, and baby, I see your face screwin’ up to lose your shit about that but think about it. Why drag it out? There’s no point. You’re not asking for a divorce after bein’ married to him for a decade. You haven’t even been seein’ him but for a coupla weeks. In some shit, life’s too short to waste time bein’ sensitive.”

“You know, the absolute worst part about that is you’re right,” I snapped.

He grinned but through his grin ordered, “End it.”

“Fine,” I bit off.

He laid on me.

I lay under him.

He didn’t move.

I couldn’t move.

“A little privacy?” I requested.
