
I made it to the bottom of the steps, went to my car, got in and drove away.

I didn’t even look up to Nick’s unit.

He was already a memory

* * * * *


Nick stood at the window, teeth clenched, muscle jumping in his cheek and he watched her walk to her car.

Total poise.

Like a princess.

His princess.

The adult one.

“Shit,” he whispered.

She got in her Range Rover and drove away.

And she did that not once looking up.

Not once.

That was good.

If she’d looked, he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself going after her.

It was better this way for everybody.

Especially Olivia.

* * * * *

7:19 p.m. – That Next Friday

Nick stared at the texts on his phone.

Are you okay?

Missed yesterday. Tonight?

Sebring, is everything okay?

After that, nothing.

His head shot up and his mouth got tight when he saw Turner had slid on the stool next to him. He’d slid off that stool five minutes ago to use the bathroom. He’d returned and Nick was so deep in thought about Olivia, he didn’t feel him come back.

“Responses kinda slow, Sebring,” Turner murmured, eyeing him closely.

Nick didn’t reply. He looked away from his friend, lifting his drink to throw the rest of it back, his eyes catching on a woman’s at the end of the bar who was looking at him.

She gave him the smile that was his opening.

He looked away and threw back his whisky.