Rock Chick(51)

“Anyone else?” I said.

“Sure, first up a couple of guys I’m pretty certain were vice. You know, cool as shit but still smelled like cop. Scared the bee-jee-zus out of me that they’d want to come in but they weren’t interested in me. Then two sets of dudes who need to switch pharmaceuticals or their muscles will explode, like The Hulk. Ka-pow!” He clapped and then jiggled his hands in front of his chest.

I looked at Ally then back to The Kevster. The first ones were likely Lee’s men, the last ones were Wilcox’s boys.

“Two sets?”

“Yeah, one set two guys came to the door, two sat in the car. Second set was only two.”

I had a gut feeling so I described the shooters who started this whole fiasco and he nodded.

“Yeah, man, that’s them. The set of four were steady but the twosome were nervous-as-shit, looked like they needed sleep. Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t been to any of your parties. Rosie says your parties rock. He says you have cashews and everything. I’ve never been to a party with cashews.”

Ally handed him a card. “If you see him or hear anything, let one of us know.”

“Wow! A Rock Chick Card. That’s the shit, man. Does, like, Axl Rose have one of these?”

“Not yet,” Ally said.

“Cool.” The Kevster nodded. “You wanna come in? I’m just about to slip in The Big Lebowski and light up a spliff. Would be cool to watch The Dude with a couple of Rock Chicks.”

I declined, though I wouldn’t mind watching The Big Lebowski. It was one of my favorite movies. So much so, it was a friend test. If you didn’t like The Dude and Lebowski, then you could be a friend but would never be a good friend. Ever.

“No, thanks, gotta find Rosie.”

“That’s cool, come back whenever. Later.”

We sat in the car and stared at The Kevster’s house. Matt was on his cell, in his SUV, parked directly behind us.

“The second set are the shooters and it doesn’t appear they’re working together with Terry’s goons.”

“So you have a four-way competition with Lee,” Ally said.

“Yeah, except I know what’ll happen to Rosie if Lee or I find him, I don’t know what’ll happen if those guys find him.”

Ally kept staring at the house. “You sure we should be doing this?”

I answered truthfully, “Hell no.”

“We still gonna do this?”

“Doesn’t have to be a we,” I told her.

She turned to me. “Girl, the cards have both of our names on ‘em. Let’s motor.”

Best friends like Ally don’t grow on trees, let me tell you. She liked The Big Lebowski as much as I did, that’s all I’m saying.

We went back to Tim’s, with Lee’s man Matt following us. We parked two houses down and noticed crazy Grizzly sitting on his porch, the goggles still on top his head. Grizzly’s house was directly across the street from Tim’s and Grizzly looked like he spent a lot of time on the porch.

“We should talk to him, he looks like he keeps an eye on the neighborhood,” Ally said.

She was right, I knew she was right. I still didn’t want to talk to him.

My cell phone went and I looked at the display. It said, “Lee Calling”.


I flipped it open.