Rock Chick(37)

I nodded again. I was beginning to feel enough of myself to be scared, but not enough to be polite.

“You’re India Savage, Lee’s woman.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to say I was not Lee’s anything but these people seemed scared enough of Lee for me to decide that I should keep my mouth shut on that score.

It was then Wilcox really looked at me, from head to toe, and he sat back, getting comfortable, his face changing from depressed to assessing.

“Lee’s always had good taste in women,” he said quietly and something in his eyes made my skin crawl.

Serious euw.

Then he said, “I’m looking for Rosie Coltrane, do you know where he is?”



The bane of my existence.

I was pissed off enough with Rosie, who had got me into this mess and the one with Lee, to be a little snippy.

“If I knew where he was, why would I be sitting in my car outside his house?”

Something dangerous changed in Wilcox’s eyes and I realized I’d just let my mouth run away with me and that being a little snippy might not go over too well. Like with the guys who shot at me. Evidence was clearly suggesting that bad guys did not like snippy women. I should maybe have been more polite, maybe more meek, then again, I didn’t have a lot of experience with conversing with creepy, scary, bad guys.

“He has something of mine,” Wilcox continued.

“I know.” I felt it safe to admit.

“I was supposed to get it back this morning. Do you know what happened?”

Hmm, I’d never taken the “how much information to divulge during interview with bad guys who kidnap you” course at the local community college. I’d barely squeaked by with computers and business accounting. I was feeling a little bit out of my depth.

“He was staying with Lee but, this morning, me and Lee got kinda… er…” I stopped and searched for a word to describe that morning’s trauma, “busy… and we didn’t notice he took off.”

“Busy.” His eyes dropped to my chest, the Euw Look was still in them. I felt my stomach lurch uncomfortably and tried really hard not to let my lip curl in disgust. “I bet. Do you know where he might be?”

I shook my head. “I wish I knew. He’s my coffee guy. He didn’t come to work, if I lose him, it’ll affect my profit margin.”

“He’s a good coffee guy,” Goon Gary offered, “sheer talent.”

Wilcox was throwing a “shut the f**k up you idiot” look at Gary. Gary’s mouth snapped shut.

Then Wilcox turned back to me.

“Do you know where the diamonds are?”

This I knew, but I shook my head again. I wasn’t going to drag Duke into this mess.

Since I was such an accomplished liar, I think he bought it.

“It’s a million dollars worth of diamonds.”

My mouth dropped open.

Holy crap.

“It is?”