Rock Chick(182)

I pushed open the security door and said, “Hey Eddie.

He walked in, pulling off his mirrored shades.

“Indy,” he said, “I’m lookin’ for Lee.” His eyes dropped down to my body and he took in Lee’s shirt. “I guess I found him.”

“Eddie,” Lee said and both Eddie and I looked into the house.

Lee was standing in the doorway to the kitchen holding a coffee mug, jeans buttoned, eyes cold, face blank.


This was weird.

Nobody moved, nobody said anything.

I decided to forge into the breach.

“Eddie, you want coffee?” I asked, sidling around him and into the living room.

“Sure, three sugars and cream. Thanks.”

I tilted my head and said, “You like it sweet.”


Shit, shit, shit.

I’d flirted, I didn’t mean to, it just came out.

Eddie looked at me, an amused twinkle in his eye. “Yeah, I like it sweet.”


“All righty then,” I said and hurried across the room.

Lee was still standing in the doorway to the kitchen and as I walked toward him, he didn’t move.

Moments before I’d have to stop, he stepped to the side but just barely. I had to squeeze by him and I felt the heat from his glare as I did so.

He moved out of the doorway and into the dining room when I went into the kitchen.

“Eddie,” I heard him say, “what’re you doin’ here?”

“Lookin’ for you,” Eddie replied.

“You found me.” This was not said in a welcoming tone and the bad vibes were snapping in the air.

“I heard about you and Indy being in a brawl on Colfax last night,” Eddie said.


Not a good way to start.

I pulled out a coffee mug.

“We weren’t in a brawl. I was pickin’ up a skip and Indy was supposed to sit in the car. She got a hankerin’ to test out her new stun gun so she followed me in, dropped anyone who came near her, my back up came and we got out.” Lee waited a beat and said, “She’s a new-found fondness for stun guns.”

There was silence and then Eddie said, “Yeah, I heard that too. Willie saw her with it, said the floor was littered with her victims.”