Rock Chick(13)

Shit, I was such a wuss.

Chapter Three

I’ll Choose Door Number Two

I tried to stay awake and listen to what was happening between Lee and Rosie but it was hard because I was tired, getting shot at takes a lot out of you. Anyway, whatever was happening took a really long time and I’m a girl who likes her sleep.

When I did wake up, it was still dark and my back was pressed up to something hard and warm and something heavy and warm was wrapped around my waist.


Liam Nightingale was in bed with me.

Holy f**king shit.

You see, there were women in Denver who would pay a lot of money to be in this situation. Hell, there were likely women across the country who would do it.

Not me.

No way.

That boat had sailed.

There was a time when we were kids that Lee, Ally, Hank and I slept together all the time. Our parents would have dinner parties and we’d be tucked into Kitty Sue and Malcolm’s big bed, all four in a row, according to age. This put me between Lee and Ally. Of course, once we got older, we were separated.

Then there were the times when we were in the tent when Dad and Malcolm would take us camping in the mountains. Always, I was stuck between Lee and Ally in my sleeping bag. As I tumbled headlong into my teens, and thus more and more desperate for Lee to declare his undying love for me, this was a form of torture. I couldn’t exactly throw myself at him when Hank, Dad and Malcolm were around (Ally would have slept through it).

And then there was that brief time when Ally and I were nineteen and had gone off rock ‘n’ roll and discovered cowboys. Lee took us to Cheyenne for the rodeo and we got a motel room that just had a big king-sized bed. Out of necessity, we all slept in it together and I slept in the middle. Or at least I slept in middle until Lee moved to the floor, likely to give me room to move. I never woke Ally up with my restless sleeping. Ally could sleep through an earthquake.

So it wasn’t as if I hadn’t already slept with Lee.

But not alone, not just the two of us, not when we were full-fledged, consenting adults, not ever in his bed.

I moved forward, thinking the floor sounded quite comfy.

The heavy warm thing around my waist tightened.

“Don’t move,” Lee mumbled, his voice kinda husky.

My stomach fluttered and as Lee’s hand was splayed and pressed against it, I was pretty certain he could feel it.


“What’re you doing?” I asked.

“I was sleeping.” His voice was still husky.

“I mean in this bed,” I clarified, what I thought was unnecessarily.

“It’s my bed.”

True enough.

Time for a different tact.

“I’m gonna sleep on the floor,” I said.

“No you’re not.”