Rock Chick Revolution(187)

“He was a brownnose, always suckin’ up to Ma,” Jeannie stated, and Amalea’s back snapped straight.


“He was not a brownnose. He was a good son,” Amalea stated. “After slaving in the kitchen to feed a family of four, it was nice to have someone do the dishes. And, I’ll add, nice to have someone who saved me from having to slave in the kitchen every once in a while.”

So that was how Ren learned how to cook.

“Total brownnose,” Jeannie muttered, wiping the stove.

“This is what I wish,” Amalea started. “I wish for you both to have sons and daughters, sons that look out for you, daughters who don’t, so you’ll understand precisely how it feels.”

Oh man.

Seriously set down.

She was good.

I bit my lip and gave big eyes to Mom.

Mom grinned huge at me.

Jeannie began concentrating closely on cleaning the stove like Mom was performing surgery on it later, while Connie shoved more leftovers in the fridge but did it without speaking,

With excellent timing, Dad ended our discussion by walking in and announcing, “I’m taking drink orders. Any of you gals want a refresh before you join us?”

“I have to get behind a wheel, Malcolm,” Amalea said. “Nothing for me.”

He got yeas from Roxie, Mom and me, nays from Connie and Jeannie. We finished up the dishes, Dad brought our drinks and we wandered back to the family room, me bringing up the rear and Amalea poorly pretending she wasn’t trying to position to bring up the rear with me.

I slowed my gait as the others forged on. I stopped, turned and looked down at Ren’s mom.

“Did you want a word in private?” I asked quietly.

“Was it that obvious?’ she asked back.

“Yes,” I answered on a smile.

She returned my smile before hers faded. Then she tipped her head to the side and studied me for a moment before speaking.

“It’s just that…” she hesitated then said, “I’m really very sorry to barge in on your family dinner, Ally.”

“That’s okay, Amalea. Mom invited my brothers and their wives without telling Ren and me, so it evens out.”

She grinned.

Then she looked down, reached out and touched my hand briefly, before she looked up and caught my eyes.

“He says he’s moving on,” she said softly, her words confusing me.

“I’m sorry?” I asked.

“From Vito,” she explained, and I pressed my lips together. “Some months ago, he told me he met a girl, he cares a good deal for her, so now it’s time.”

Some months ago.

Ren made this decision some months ago.

How cool was that?