Rock Chick Revenge(80)

I sat up, took the pills he had in his fist and drank the water. When I was done, he pulled the empty glass from my hand and put it on the coffee table. Then he came back to me and, I kid you not, picked me up (again!), turned and sat on the couch, settling me in his lap, his arms around me.

“Luke, it really bugs me when you haul me around,” I told him, sounding bitchy.

He ignored my bitchiness. “We’re gonna talk.”

Right then, still drunk and feeling in a shitty mood, I thought this was an excellent idea.

“Good. I have a few things to say,” I informed him.

He stared at me a beat then said, “Shoot.”

“First, I’m confiscating this t-shirt,” I announced.

He kept staring at me. Then he said, “Come again?”

“From this point on, your Triumph tee is now my Triumph tee,” I declared.

His lips did that twitch thing like he was trying not to laugh.

I crossed my arms. “I’m being perfectly serious.”

“Babe, I’ll make you a deal. As long as you share my bed, the t-shirt is yours.”

“No. The t-shirt is mine forever,” I countered.

He shook his head. “You’re not sharin’ my bed, the tee stays here.”

“I’ll give you twenty-five dollars for it,” I started to haggle.

The lip twitch came back and it looked like he was losing his battle at biting back his smile. “No,” he said.



“One hundred dollars!” I cried a little loudly because I had never paid a hundred dollars for a t-shirt in my life and I was worried he would accept.

“I gave you an offer, it’s the only one you’re gonna get.”

“Okay then, I’ll steal it,” I blabbed.

His body started shaking and I was pretty sure it was with silent laughter. “Probably shouldn’t tell me your plan to steal my tee,” he advised.

“Forget I said anything,” I told him.

He shook his head still silently laughing and when he was done, his arms got a little tighter. “Now we’re talkin’ about what I want to talk about.”

“I’m not finished.”

“We’ll get back to your shit later.”

I made a “harrumph” sound and glared at him.

“You owe me,” he said (again).

“I don’t –”

He interrupted me. “Your first payment is to tell me who else got a piece of you.”