Rock Chick Revenge(36)


My eyes drifted back to his and I was in a Luke Lip Fog. “Yeah?”

“You lick your lips while looking at my mouth one more time, you’ll find that pretty pink tongue of yours in my mouth.”

Ho-ly shit.

His face came closer and I watched, frozen and fascinated, mainly because that meant his lips were also coming closer. His indigo eyes had melted to pure, liquid ink and I forgot totally that men sucked.

“You wanna taste me?” he murmured.

Yes, I wanted to taste him. I would pay every penny of Aunt Ella’s inheritance to taste him.

“No,” I lied.

He did a full grin this time, a full satisfied grin. It was hot, so hot my knees totally buckled and he took all my weight into his body.

“Liar,” he whispered, knowing he had me (he couldn’t actually miss it, considering I’d lost the ability to stand on my own two feet).

I watched as his lips started to get closer. In response, my eyes began to close and my lips parted in preparation for contact. Honestly? I hated to admit it but I could barely wait.

It was then the doors to the elevator glided open. My eyes flew open and our heads twisted to watch Matt walk out, carrying a case of diet soda.

Thank you God.

I instantly tried to pull out of Luke’s arms but he didn’t let me move an inch even though his hand went out of my hair. It only did this to wrap around my back to keep me where I was.

“Hey, sorry,” Matt said, grinning like an idiot, not looking sorry at all and even with the idiot grin I wanted to kiss him for interrupting. My vibrators were going to divorce me if I kept going like this.

I looked at Luke and saw his lips were pressed together and he didn’t seem happy. “Next time, buzz up,” Luke’s voice proved my theory correct and made me slightly concerned about his use of the words “next time”.

Matt put the case of soda on the counter. “Will do,” he replied cheerily, ignoring Luke’s pissed off voice. “I’ll just be going.”

“Good idea,” Luke said.

Matt lifted a hand in a small wave as he walked across the room and then he hit the elevator button. I pulled again at Luke’s arms. He looked down at me, still with an unhappy expression, but let me go.

I moved straight to the case of diet pop.

“Later!” I called to Matt as the doors started to close. He lifted his hand to his forehead, gave me a wink and a salute right before we lost sight of him.

Burying the latest episode with Luke deep, deeper, deepest, I ignored it even happened and got myself a can of pop, a glass, some ice from the fridge and poured it. All the while I was doing this, Luke watched me moving around his kitchen, his back to the counter, h*ps against it, arms crossed. I knew this not only because I saw him looking at me but I also felt it.

“You want a soda?” I asked, pretending not to be affected by him watching me.

“No,” he answered.

“I’m going to get dressed,” I told him.

Luke didn’t respond.

I took my glass of pop, grabbed my clothes and moved toward the bathroom, sensing escape and planning my grocery store dash, direct to the cookie dough.

“Ava,” Luke called.

I stopped and turned to him. “Yeah?”

“I’ve decided your payment.”