Rock Chick Revenge(15)

I nodded. His hand went away.

“What the f**k are you doing here?” I whispered, not knowing what to think, or feel, just shocked out of my mind.

Was he following me? And, if so, why?

“Could ask you the same thing,” he said to me, cutting into my thoughts.

“I’m visiting a friend,” I lied quickly.

His body tensed and I felt something fill the room, something crackling and dangerous. I couldn’t see it in the dark but I could feel it. I could feel it because his arm got tight and it hauled me even deeper into his body so we were pressed close, chest to crotch.

Fuckity, f**k, f**k, f**k.

“Stop lying to me Ava,” I could tell by his tone that he was not happy, so not happy that I had to admit I was a little scared of him.

“I’m not lying,” I lied.

“You’re tellin’ me that Dom Vincetti is a friend of yours?”

“No, Sissy Vincetti is.”

He knew Sissy, he’d met her way back in the day. This was likely why his arm relaxed enough for me to pull away and put a foot of space between us which was a far more comfortable position, believe you me.

“Sissy isn’t here,” Luke said to me.

“Well, I know that now,” I said, like I’d expected her to be there, in other words, I lied, again.

“You often go to your friend’s houses when they’re not home and search them in the dark?”


Before I could think up another lie – because it wasn’t any of his business what I was doing there, I mean, it would have been his business, if he hadn’t carried me through his offices like a caveman that afternoon, but it wasn’t his business anymore – he reached forward and grabbed my hand, tugging me back into the bedroom.

“Luke, stop. What are you doing?”

He bent down, nabbed the still-lit Maglite from the floor and snapped it off. “We’re gettin’ out of here,” he said, pulling me out of the bedroom and back into the living room.

I planted my feet when he started to yank me across the room. He stopped and looked back at me.

“No. You’re getting out of here,” I flashed at him. “I’m, um… looking for the earring I left here the other night.”

That sounded like a good lie.

Luke obviously didn’t think it was a good lie. He gave my hand a sharp tug, I fell forward and, without a word, he started walking, dragging me behind him.

I yanked my hand out of his, stopped again and cried, “Luke!”

That’s when the room exploded.

One second, we were standing there, me glaring at him in the dark, him holding his body tense like he was just stopping himself from shaking some sense into me. The next minute there was so much noise and flying debris, every thought flew out of my head.

Luke moved quickly. He threw himself at me in a body tackle and we went down to the floor. He landed on top of me, body slamming into mine and immediately pulled himself up, wrapping his arms around my head and leaning his shoulder into the floor, my face pressed into his throat, his head tucked in, temple against the top of my forehead.

Glass, dust, plaster and bits of Sissy’s adored pottery collection flew everywhere as machine gunfire blasted through the huge living room window.

I lay under Luke, pretty certain I was going to die and wishing I’d made a will. Now, my sisters and mother were going to get all Aunt Ella’s money. I should have left it to Sissy and a cat shelter.

The noise finally stopped and, even though it felt like it had gone on forever, it was probably less than a minute. Luke didn’t move, just kept me tucked tight underneath him and it hit me that our position meant he was using himself as a shield to keep me safe.