Rock Chick Revenge(129)

I sucked in breath and came awake when one of his fingers hit the target between my legs and the thumb and finger on his other hand did a delicious nipple roll.

Um… wow.

“Luke?” my voice sounded sleepy and quiet.

“Quiet, Ava,” Luke murmured into the back of my neck and then I felt his lips there.

For some reason, I snuggled my ass into his crotch, feeling him hard against me. He did another roll at the target and I made a small noise in my throat as heat shot through me.

Then his body shifted and, I kid you not, he slid inside me.

Oh… my… God.

None of my lovers had been adventurous (weirdly, not even Dave, the sex maniac, he might have been a perv but he wasn’t imaginative). I’d never been cuffed to a bed and I’d never done it in any position but the two top sellers (him on top, me on top).

This was nice, very nice, ultra nice, moaning, panting with mouth open nice. His hands kept at me as he moved inside me and I pressed into him, wanting more.

“Luke,” I breathed, nearly there and his hand went away from my nipple, came to my jaw, his thumb slid across my opened lower lip and I came. Hard.

Minutes later his arms tensed, he drove into me one last time, his mouth in the crook of my neck where I heard (with deep satisfaction, I had to admit) his low groan.

Moments after he finished, his arms came around me tight, one at my waist, the other one slashed diagonally across my torso. He stayed inside me and his mouth moved up my neck.

“Wow,” I whispered, somehow moved by the experience, feeling for some strange reason it was the most intimate moment with another human being I’d had in my life.

I felt a movement of his lips at my neck and I was pretty certain he smiled. Then I snuggled my behind into him and I heard him groan again. I smiled to myself in the dark and believe it or not, wrapped tight in Luke’s arms, Luke still inside me, I immediately fell back to sleep.

* * * * *

I was in my usual morning position, tucked into Luke’s side, arm around his abs, leg thrown over his thighs when Luke woke me by tilting up my chin and kissing me.

Then he rolled me to my back. Then his mouth moved down my body. Then it was between my legs.

After he made me finish, he came up over me and he finished.

All of this was done without a word.

When it was over, Luke stayed where he was, his bodyweight pressing me into the bed. One of my legs was bent, foot on the bed, inside thigh pressed against his hip. The other leg wrapped around his thigh, my arms around him, hands idly sliding across his skin and muscle.

His face was buried in my neck, his mouth moving there with no purpose or intent, just a post doing the nasty affectionate touch, a sexy post doing the nasty affectionate touch.

My hands slid up his back. “I have to brush my teeth,” I whispered.

His head came up and he looked down at me, eyes ink, and he stared at me one beat, two then three then more. I didn’t know why he kept looking at me. What I did know was that his face looked less hard than normal, partly with satisfaction, partly with something else I couldn’t decipher.

Okay to be perfectly honest, I didn’t want to decipher.


Finally I said softly, “Luke.”

He gave me a half-grin and even in a lying position I felt my knees wobble.

There I was, lying in bed, Luke on top of me, still inside me, my limbs wrapped around him.

Hell and damnation.

How did I let this happen?