Rock Chick Revenge(113)

My eyes opened and I saw a wall of chest.

My first thought was, Crap, Luke’s not in the shower.

Okay, so that was actually my second thought. My first thought was, Hmm. Yum.

Last night Luke and I walked from his loft to Wynkoop’s Brewery and had beer and dinner. During dinner, he took a call that made his mouth go tight and his eyes move to me. I had an Eek Moment thinking he’d found out about my visit to Uncle Vito through his varied tough guy, macho man, bounty hunting, private eye sources.

Relief flooded through me when he got off the phone and said, “Sorry babe, something’s come up. After dinner I gotta meet Hector. I don’t know how late I’ll be.”

Therefore the mouth tightening meant, for Luke, him missing another opportunity to “give me the business” and for me, relief that I’d dodged the bullet again.

“That’s okay,” I told him breezily.

He gave me a half-grin, totally knowing my thoughts.

He had walked me home and left me in his loft after giving me a hot and heavy kiss that left me in a Luke Lip Fog.

Looking at my face he said, “If you take care of yourself again, you’ll owe me.”

All righty then, I could scratch that off my list of Things to Do While Luke’s Away.

I wasn’t big on watching TV so I’d putzed around his loft all night. I spent my time calling Sissy to chew over the latest Luke episode, doing more of Luke’s laundry and tidying his magazines and mail into neat piles to the extent of putting notes on top: “To be opened”, “Deal with this”, “This needs to be filed”, etc. What could I say? I was an organizer.

Then I went to bed. Later, Luke woke me up by shifting me and we had had our scary chat.

Now, morning.


I tried to slide away without him noticing. He rolled and his arms came around me.

“Babe,” he said, sounding very awake.


I looked up at him and he had his chin dipped toward me so I looked right in his eyes.

“Hey,” I mumbled.

“Hey,” he replied.

“I need to brush my teeth.”

His arms got tighter. “Later.”

“No. Now. I can’t face the day without brushing my teeth.”

“Your day can start later,” he said, his eyes turning inky and his thigh sliding between my legs to rest at the heart of my special girl parts.

“Luke –”

His mouth came to mine his eyes still open so I kept mine open too, captivated. Then he pressed his hard boy part into my belly.


“I’m not waitin’ to get inside you any longer, Ava, this is happening now.”

Before I could say a word, he kissed me. It became very clear he was quite intent on this happening now.