Rock Chick Rescue(22)

“I’l deal with it! It’s what I do! Okay? I deal with things. I’l find some way to deal with this too!” I shouted.


After my outburst, he watched me for a beat and I saw his eyes change again. This time, they grew warm. I was finding I wasn’t real y very good with Eddie’s warm eyes on me. It did funny things to my thought processes.

His hand came up and he ran his knuckles down my jaw.

“Don’t do that,” I said, pul ing my face away.

“Chiquita, when you get done this afternoon, I’m picking you up and taking you to my house. I’m making a pitcher of margaritas, getting you shit-faced and you’re final y gonna talk to me.”

I stared at him in total shock.

“About what?” I asked, trying not to sound terrified.

“About anything.”

It was panic time. How it didn’t kick in earlier, I’d never know. I was beginning to feel weak in the knees and funny in the bel y.

Eddie went on. “We can start with why you’re workin’ at Smithie’s and we’l move on to why you wanted me to think you didn’t like Mexicans.”

Um, no way in hell.

“I can’t,” I said.

“Why not?” he asked.

“I just can’t. I have things to do.”

“What things?”

I stared at him for a second. “Just… things.” He ignored me.

“I’l be here at three to pick you up.”

I shook my head.

It registered at that inopportune moment that I could smel him, he smel ed real y nice and I liked it. It also smel him, he smel ed real y nice and I liked it. It also registered that I liked to feel the heat from his body and the way it brushed against mine. Furthermore, I also liked that warm look in his eye.

I liked a lot of things about Eddie.

No, I liked everything about Eddie.

Dear Lord.

I took a shaky breath. I noticed Eddie was watching me. I had to admit, I liked that too.

“Jet, three o’clock,” Eddie said.

“I like how you smel ,” I told him; just blurted it out, like a crazy person.

Once my idiotic comment was uttered, panic started to slice through the Eddie Daze but he saw it and put his right hand up on a shelf on the other side of me, by my hip, trapping me.

I looked up at him, flight on my mind but saw his eyes had gone fluid and he looked so flippin’ sexy, my bones went fluid too. So much so, I had to grab onto the material of his t-shirt at his abdomen to hold myself up.

His head started to come down and, I swear to God, he was gonna kiss me.

“Jet?” It was Indy cal ing.