Rock Chick Rescue(191)

“We gotta go,” I declared.

They looked at each other.

“We ain’t gonna go, Sugar. He’s right, finish what you start,” Daisy said.

Lottie was watching me, then a slow smile spread on her face.

“I couldn’t put my finger on it but it’s true. You are a flower. I thought it was the hair but it isn’t the hair, it’s you.” My sister.

“Pu-lease,” I muttered and rol ed my eyes.

She just nodded, looking al happy in the face of certain danger.

My eyes moved to Indy. “What the hel did he mean, watching me these past months has been like watching a flower bloom? Who talks like that? And, anyway, he barely comes into Fortnum’s.”

“Um, I kinda forgot to tel you.” Indy was shifting uncomfortably and it worried me.

“What?” I asked.

“Lee has surveil ance on Fortnum’s, cameras and bugs, twenty-four seven. He put it in when I was going through my drama and never took it out. The boys at the office watch for security purposes and… um, for kicks.” I stared at her.

“You’re joking,” I breathed, at the same time silently asking God to make Indy tel me she was joking.

She shook her head.

I knew it was selfish, but I real y wished God would pay more attention to me.

I was processing this, thinking about al that went down at Fortnum’s, Eddie Torture, me running and hiding from Eddie, Dad’s serenade, Lottie and me wrestling.

“Holy crap,” I breathed.

Indy bit her lip.

Daisy tensed.

“We got the high sign,” Daisy whispered.

I didn’t have time to worry about being on show, nearly every day, for the Wild Bunch.

It was confrontation time.

We al shuffled around mental y preparing.

“Everybody got their stun guns?” Tod asked.

“I can’t wait to get my hands on Dad,” Lottie said.

“Let’s rock,” Indy said.

Dear Lord.

* * * * *

We walked down the back hal and Shirleen was standing in it. “They’re on a bathroom break. Ray’s at the table, get in there,” she said.

Daisy nodded and everyone stepped aside to let me go first.

I looked at Shirleen.