Rock Chick Rescue(171)

“You got that right, sister,” Shirleen noted and we al grinned.

Daisy got down to business.

“We’re lookin’ for Ray McAlister. He in there?”

“Ray? Haven’t seen Ray in a coupla days. He got trouble, you know what I mean?” Shirleen replied.

Daisy’s hair nodded, so did mine, Al y’s and Indy’s. We knew what she meant.

“This is his little girl,” She pointed at me.

“Shee-it!” Shirleen squealed and her eyes turned to me, wide, bright and happy, “Been wantin’ to meet you.

Everyone’s talkin’ ‘bout you. Heard you kneed Fratel i in the bal s at a bagel place. Wish I’da been there. You coulda sold tickets to that.”

“It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. He cal ed my boyfriend a wetback,” I explained.


Now I was cal ing Eddie my boyfriend.

Shirleen’s grin faded and her eyes narrowed.

“Fuckin’ dick,” she said. “Fratel i’s not a big fan of the brothers either.” She turned to Daisy, “Marcus, now, he’s a good man, respects the brothers, ‘bout time he cut Fratel i loose.”

Daisy’s hair nodded again.

“You see Ray, you cal me, would you do that Shirleen?” Daisy asked.

“You got it.” She put her hand on the doorknob, “Gotta get back. Go to the bar, tel ‘em Shirleen said to set you up.”

“You’re a peach,” Daisy said.

Shirleen disappeared behind the door. We went to the bar and told the bartender Shirleen set us up. He didn’t quibble and used a heavy hand.

“What now?” Al y asked, sipping her Designated Driver Diet Coke.

“I know of another table, but ain’t no way they’d let me sit it and ain’t no way I’d try. Marcus would have a conniption,” Daisy replied.

This was not good news. This meant the night was a bust.

No Dad, no control of my life, no end to my nightmare.

Al dressed up and nothing to show for it.


I glanced across the room and then froze solid when I saw Darius.

He saw me at the same time and did an eye-sweep taking in Indy and Al y. Then, without hesitation, his hand went to the back pocket of his homey-jeans and he pul ed out his cel .

“Shit!” I hissed, turning to the bar.

“What?” Indy asked.

“Darius is here, he saw us, he’s cal ing Eddie,” I looked at her, “Or Lee.”

Indy looked across the room, obviously saw Darius and then turned around.