Rock Chick Rescue(152)

Vance was watching Indy talk but when I spoke, he looked to me.

“It’d be nice if you could help,” I said, not real y wanting to but also wanting to find my father enough to ask. “I’l pay you,” I added as an afterthought. I also couldn’t pay him but maybe he’d take instal ments.

His body turned ful y to me and the tractor beam switched on again. “I’l find your father, but you aren’t gonna switched on again. “I’l find your father, but you aren’t gonna help and you aren’t gonna pay me. Though, it won’t be free.

You’l owe me.”

Dear Lord.

In debt to another hot guy. I didn’t know if I could hack it.

No, I knew I couldn’t hack it.

I looked him in the eye and had to wonder what form his favor would come in.

It didn’t take a mind reader to get the gist.

While he waited for my answer, his eyes went weird, as in sexy weird.

“Mild mannered coffee girl by day,” he muttered, “But I’ve seen you in your Smithie’s uniform.”

Sweet Jesus.

That f**king Smithie’s uniform.

It was like Superman’s leotard. No one paid attention to Superman when he was Clark Kent; put on the leotard and al the women were fal ing at his feet. Smithie’s uniform had the same power.

“I’m not working at Smithie’s anymore,” I told him.

His eyes dropped to my scarlet-red tee. “That’s a shame.”

I forced myself to breathe and looked to Indy.

She was bugging her eyes out at me like we were in fifth grade and the cutest boy in school came up to me during recess.

I looked back to Vance.

“I think I’l go it alone,” I said.

He stared at me a second then said, “Can’t let you do that either.”

Um… what?

“What?” I asked.

“You don’t know what your dealin’ with and you don’t know what you’re doin’.”

Okay, so, I was getting a little fed up with guys tel ing me what I could and couldn’t do. Even hot guys.

“I’m not sure you have a choice.”

I was proud of myself, it came out with attitude and conviction. Enough to make his dark eyes flare. I thought he was angry, for a second, then he got over it and his lips twitched.

“Chavez is f**ked.”

I didn’t know what that meant and I didn’t ask.

Vance looked at Indy. “We’re goin’ to Zip’s.” Immediately, Indy clapped and cried, “Yippee!”