Rock Chick Rescue(135)

A peel of female cackles tore through the crowd and I looked over to where Mom, Trixie and Ada were sitting with Al y’s Mom, Kitty Sue, Blanca and some of Eddie’s aunties.

“Your Mom’s having a good time,” Indy said.

“You meet her?” I asked.

“Yeah, she’s sweet,” Indy replied.

“She’s the devil,” I said.

It was our turn to dissolve in peels of female cackles.

It was when I stopped giggling and was brushing a tear of hysterical hilarity from the corner of my eye when I noticed Eddie’s gaze locked on me. He was standing with his brother, Carlos, and Lee and Hank and he had a beer in his hand.

He looked hot.

“Eddie’s hot,” I said to no one in particular.

Everyone looked at Eddie, his lips twitched and he turned away.

“You got that right, sister,” Al y said.

I sighed a dreamy sigh. “He’s so out of my league. What am I doing?” I asked, again, to no one in particular.

Everyone looked at me.

“You’re joking, right?” Gloria asked.

“You’re joking, right?” Gloria asked.

I shook my head, crossed my legs and belted back half my margarita.

“We had sex today. A lot of sex. It was f**king amazing, definitely worth the f-word.” I realized who was in our circle and turned to Gloria, “Sorry.”

“Don’t mind me,” she said, grinning at Indy.

“I’m seriously screwed, in more ways than one.” Then I giggled to myself and luckily, everyone giggled with me.

“Maybe that margarita wasn’t a good idea,” Gloria remarked.

My purse was laying in my lap and it started ringing. I handed my margarita to Indy and dug out my cel .

“Probably Tex, he’s pissed at me that he missed the shoot out.”

Gloria’s eyebrows rose to her hairline and I flipped open my phone.

“Hel-lo?” I sing-songed.

“Nice dress,” a male voice I knew too well because the memory of it was burned in my brain, said in my ear.

I sobered immediately and my entire body stil ed.

“Maybe I’l make you wear it when I do you,” Vince said.

Chil s raced down my spine, bile came up my throat and my voice went on vacation.

How he got my phone number, I’d never know. I didn’t even want to know.

“I’l shove it up around your hips…,” he paused. “Oh, now, that’s sweet. Here comes your wetback boyfriend.” My head came up and I saw Eddie walking my way.